OpenOrienteering / mapper

OpenOrienteering Mapper is a software for creating maps for the orienteering sport.
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Add Indoor-O, School-O & Park-O symbols sets #613

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I try make some simple symbols sets for small area orienteering specially for OOMapper, but if somebody also interested in it, so lets do it!

School-O (outdoor)


"The scale for indoor maps is by nature even larger. A typical indoor map has a scale in the range 1:500 - 1:1000. For larger building complex it might even be 1:1500, and for micro-indoor orienteering the range are from 1:100 to 1:500. Large scales open for maps showing quite small details that are superfluous for the orienteer. Details inside inaccessible areas in the bhluilding need to be strongly deemphasized, is even totally removed"

Park-O (parkland)

ghost commented 8 years ago

How to produce a School map - Youth Orienteering

ghost commented 6 years ago

School-O symbol set requested in "Orienteering Mappers Int."

Need check IOF specifications for such thing (this year IOF MC added School-O on their TODO list)

ghost commented 6 years ago

Indoor-O also related to School-O & Park-O, so I will add it on my TODO list

ollesmaps commented 6 years ago

I produced this year quite a few school maps (and surrounding areas). For that I developed a symbol set based on Swiss Scool and Halden maps and my input. If you think it is worth it I can share this symbol set (will need to ask Halden, Scool for persmission as well).

ghost commented 6 years ago

Indoor-O symbol set requested in "Orienteering Mappers Int."

ghost commented 6 years ago

For that I developed a symbol set based on Swiss Scool and Halden maps and my input. If you think it is worth it I can share this symbol set (will need to ask Halden, Scool for persmission as well).

@ollesmaps, it would be great!

But, it would be much better if map specification of Swiss Scool could be published as standart (ie without copyright limitations.

I still hope that IOF ICOM will produce standart named something like "International Specification for Indoor and Parkland Orienteering Maps" (ISIPOM), that will cover all aspects of School-O/Park-O/Indoor-O

ghost commented 6 years ago

First World Indoor Orienteering Championships will be held in 2018


Unofficial Indoor World Orienteering Championships (5 August 2018)

  • ... COURSES The controls should be punched in the sequence according to the course on the map (controls joined with a line / example). Tentative winner’s time is about 15-20 minutes per course. exmple ... MAPS In the competition area, there will be mazes constructed from tapes. It is prohibited to leap or climb over the tapes. Please note that some passageways, stairs or doors to the stairwell may be closed off. These will be marked on the map as a red restricting tape. In individual places one-way traffic may be introduced (marked on the map as a green arrow). Officials will monitor that competitors follow the restriction. The organisers may disqualify runners who have been noticed for breaching the rules.

Legend WIOC2018 ... INDOOR ORIENTEERING EXAMPLES Maps from the previous years, results, photos and videos are available at

ghost commented 5 years ago

Programme of 18th ICOM (October 5, 2018) published & it's look like School-O symbol set coming soon as addition to ISSOM standard:

12:00 – 12:20 Symbol set for the school maps Ueli Schlatter, IOF Map Commission

Symbol set for the school maps Ueli Schlatter

The IOF Map Commission has received a request from the Regional and Youth Development Commission in order to produce a set of symbols for school maps. A few countries already developed such set of symbols like Switzerland with the sCOOL project, Sweden, Norway, Australia etc. The symbol sets are different, which makes for example the exchange of education documents more difficult.

The analysis of the various symbol sets resulted in a proposal for a simple symbol set as an addition to the ISSOM.

P.S.: This year ICOM could has live streams throw «Orienteering Mappers Int.» group page on Facebook:

UPD: On October 5, 2018 @mlerjen would organize LIVE-stream on «Orienteering Mappers Int.» Facebool-group page:

ghost commented 5 years ago

Presentations from 18th ICOM now available for downloading as PDFs:

Here is presentation «Symbol set for the school maps» (PDF)

So, here is summary of the proposal


Due to this summary, official IOF School-O symbol set could/should be part of upcoming ISSOM 2018 (ISSOM 20XX)


dg0yt commented 5 years ago

The summary says the proposal is based on ISSOM 20xx. It does not say (nor did the author) that this is mean to be part of ISSOM 20xx.

krticka commented 5 years ago

Some comments:

The end of January 2019 is the right time to follow up this issue again.

ghost commented 5 years ago
  • probably in January additional symbols for school o-maps will be published in separate document

OCAD AG published in open access (there no any license info) few symbol sets:

Discussion in «Orienteering Mappers Int.» Facebook-group:

ghost commented 5 years ago

Valdis Janovs just published in «Orienteering Mappers Int.» Facebook-group another Indoor-O symbol set for Mapper:

Those, who use OO Mapper, feel free to use this template for indoor orienteering. This is one real map from 2018 competitions in Latvia ( Siguldas PIlsetas Vidusskola)

P.S.: Here is mirror of this Template_for_Indoor_Orienteering_OO_MAPPER.omap as gist:

ghost commented 5 years ago

International Specification for School Orienteering Maps 2019

IOF finally published «School-O 2019» specification

Discussion in "Orienteering Mappers Int." group on Facebook:

UPD: «School-O 2019» symbol set based on «ISSprOM 2019» that is NOT published yet, so need wait...

3ugy95 commented 5 years ago

2,5D special Orienteering symbology for KIDS, thanks to Marco Bezzi (Italia - O-club name: G.S. MONTE GINER A.S.D.) download the file: copyright of the file: please mention:

3D O-Symbols Marco Bezzi