OpenOrienteering / mapper

OpenOrienteering Mapper is a software for creating maps for the orienteering sport.
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PDF Export + Color separation improvement ideas #653

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

For now thanks to all its possible export and print with 6 spot color separation option (resulted PDF will have 6 separate page for one per each spot color). But as for me, its need small improvements:

Maybe some other future, that I forgot now will add soon.

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

Is this request based on experience with / requirements of real print shops?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@dg0yt, yeah, this is my experience when I try choose one from 10 privat publishing companies for printing my maps. 1) Also, when map has more than 6 spot colors, then its difficult to remember what is the color order. So, think, its would be good have page inside this pdf where in any time can see what color needed for each page above and what is specific rules for printing. 2) I use OOMapper as simple DTP for city maps and schemes with custom colors, and want print result in CMYK, than need create 4 base spot colors - CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW and BLACK. But why not use normally in-build CMYK used for defining colors? Think it must be as when export PDF with "Color mode: CMYK" then it must produce 4pages based on CMYK column in color window, and use "Color mode: Default" then use values from Spot color column in color window.(because many publishing company have few different prices for printing: print in CMYK, print in full color or PANTONE)

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

I think modern print shops would expect data in proper PDF documents - CMYK as is, and even spot colors by properly marked colors in the document. From my point of view, this is what needs to be implemented next.

The B/W spot color separation export was done as a proof of concept, in connection with the overprinting simulation (which uses the very same principle), and CMYK separations would be a totally different story.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@dg0yt, I agree that B/W is a trick (I can say "smart trick" ), but anyway, pages of resulted PDF from OOMapper currently need one additional page where some info provided about what is difference between all grayscale pages and how print them (in situation when original mapper cant speak with publisher, then this info will help print all correctly). Imaginate situation, that you forgot what color order on pages was... And now you cant find it because there no any marks on each pages!

Here is fresh example of professional PDF export with CMYK ready for offset printing

Here is screen of test for approve correct state sK1 2.0 alpha test This file created yesterday and distributed for testing by developers of sK1 2.0 - opensource application for prepress:

Think, need deeply look inside sK1 sourcecode in section of color management!(maybe some tricks from it will help understand how improve OOMapper)

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

The screeshots shows a PDF with one page and 4 plates. This is what I said, not what you requested.

Provide the same preflight check for a orienteering map exported from Mapper in CMYK. Maybe use the "Create Report..." feature.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I mean, when map will have 9 colors then resulted PDF will include 10 pages=9+1 page with contents of this 9 colors order list and some specific info (maybe text from "map comment" box). What a problem export with CMYK value? There no gradients, so think, its must be not hard, right? (I would read soon about colors in PDF).

Also look other fresh examples from sK1project

While Text On Path is under development we have completed export in PDF (exactly PDF/X-4) with such important features as CMYK colorspace, registration color and SPOT color support (including PANTONE colors), transparency for gradients and images and so on.

Details -

ghost commented 8 years ago

@dg0yt, here is some info about what I mean when say, that write CMYK in PDF "not hard":

Here is some data structure inside PDF that used for color specific. So, think, its possible write values from OOMapper using this specification

ghost commented 8 years ago

@dg0yt, look to this free Python scripts that designed for working with PDF's!

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

Have you ever seen birds? So you know it is possible to fly, and it doesn't look difficult...

Eugeniy, collecting random pieces from the web leads nowhere. I also don't need an explicit mention in every single post. And I start to get tired of discussion your posts rather than Mapper. Even with asking direct questions, it is impossible to know if you want A (CMYK separations on different pages) or B (CMYK plates in a single page).

ghost commented 8 years ago
Have you ever seen birds? So you know it is possible to fly, and it doesn't look difficult...

I love aviation and know how build plane models, and can say what is aerodynamic profile of bird's wings and why they can fly, so for me make model of a bird using paper or polystirol is not hurd at all.

Kai, sorry me for links above, but I think it can be usefull for test resulted PDF in situation when user not have professional software for analyzing PDF (like Adobe Acrobat Pro).

So, what I "want" to have in Mapper is next option of export: 1) Vector graphics - PDF file with CMYK plates in a single page (PDF must be real CMYK color space) 2) Color separation - PDF with few grayscale pages, based on Spot colors names (number of page same as number of spot colors +1 additional page with contents and rules how use it ) 3) Raster graphics - export PDF with raster image or raster Image itself, with "Color mode" settings:

*No need more two export tabs separate "Export -> Image" and "Export -> PDF", and it's must be only one submenu "Export", where option "Raster graphics" is main for Image (for export Image way must be "Main menu -> Export -> Raster graphics -> Export... -> File of type: -> PDF or PNG or BMP or TIFF or JPEG"; in other situation there would be only PDF file type)

Think thats all what now Mapper need in this section.