OpenOrienteering / mapper

OpenOrienteering Mapper is a software for creating maps for the orienteering sport.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Broken colors after 'Replace symbol set' action #683

Closed yevhenmazur closed 8 years ago

yevhenmazur commented 8 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open map with old symbol set
  2. Select all unused symbols
  3. Remove all selected symbols
  4. Use Symbol -> Replace symbol set...
  5. Choose symbol set source file (It is ISOM 201X from in my case)
  6. Unset check-box 'Match replacement symbols by symbol number'
  7. Configure and perform the replacement

Expected result: All symbols are visible Actual result: Only brown symbols are visible

Affected versions: 0.6.2, 0.6.20160602 Can't reproduce in 0.6.20151220 Tested on platforms: Windows x64, Gentoo Linux x64.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Think, you use this:

This OMAP file not created by user from scratch, but only converted using OOMapper from their OCDv8 file:

But this OCAD 8 also wasn't original and original template was files created by OCAD AG in OCDv11 and OCDv12 formats:

So, this OMAP can be buggy , because OCDv8 file, used for producing it, have not full support for all futures presented in ISOM201X specification (that have few futures from ISMTBOM, that also supported starting from OCAD 9 only)

Thats why, I think, real process how this OMAP created was few times conversion from OCDv11 -> OCDv8 -> OMAP.


dg0yt commented 8 years ago

@Symbian9 Don't add speculation or nonsense noise to the issues, or you will be blocked.

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

Actually related is this: Creating new symbols from new colors (guess: in a new map...) will suffer the same: empty preview in symbol editor, empty icon. (This was an attempt to create a minimal example for reproducing this bug.)

Tracked as #688

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

@yevhenmazur Can you check if this bug is still present in the "unstable" snapshots? As far as I can tell, the fix for #688 seems to have fixed this one here, too.

yevhenmazur commented 8 years ago

Still reproduced in 0.6.20160606. I'm on a field-work now and can't build OOM from trunk. I'll be able to check it after weekend.

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry, the latest build (20160607) wasn't published, but it is triggered now. This is trunk, then.

yevhenmazur commented 8 years ago

0.6.20160609 works as expected. Thanks a lot!

dg0yt commented 8 years ago

So this issue was a result of #688.