OpenOrienteering / mapper

OpenOrienteering Mapper is a software for creating maps for the orienteering sport.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Some contradictions in Manual #997

Closed sikmir closed 7 years ago

sikmir commented 7 years ago

Some officially unsupported file formats appear in Open Template dialog:


Mapper Manual (Introduction to Templates):

OpenOrienteering Mapper supports the following file formats to be loaded as templates:

  • Image templates: bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif files
  • Track templates: dxf, gpx, osm files
  • Map templates: omap, ocd files


By default, Qt can read the following formats:

Format MIME type Description
BMP image/bmp Windows Bitmap
GIF image/gif Graphic Interchange Format (optional)
JPG image/jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group
PNG image/png Portable Network Graphics
PBM image/x-portable-bitmap Portable Bitmap
PGM image/x-portable-graymap Portable Graymap
PPM image/x-portable-pixmap Portable Pixmap
XBM image/x-xbitmap X11 Bitmap
XPM image/x-xpixmap X11 Pixmap
SVG image/svg+xml Scalable Vector Graphics

Reading and writing SVG files is supported through the Qt SVG module. The Qt Image Formats module provides support for additional image formats.


dg0yt commented 7 years ago

Thanks for looking at documentation. However, it is not so simple.

So at best, there are "officially supported" formats: Formats which are more or less garantueed to be available.

Note that we don't have unit tests for officially supported formats, unfortunately.

sikmir commented 7 years ago

I see.

sikmir commented 7 years ago

For example, I have no issues with TIFF support, and it is in our superbuilds, too.

@dg0yt Well, I've installed unstable build and I still can't open TIFF image templates. What is wrong?

sikmir commented 7 years ago

@dg0yt By the way, Arch package database is not up to date, it still refers to openorienteering-mapper-unstable-0.8.20171004-0-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz, instead of openorienteering-mapper-unstable-0.8.20171022-0-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.

dg0yt commented 7 years ago

Well, I've installed unstable build and I still can't open TIFF image templates. What is wrong?

I guess the PKGBUILDs need an optdepends ('qt5-imageformats: Support for TIFF etc.')...

sikmir commented 7 years ago

I guess the PKGBUILDs need an optdepends ('qt5-imageformats: Support for TIFF etc.')

Thanks, it works now!