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Core C++ Game Logic for OpenPF2 (Status: Pre-alpha)
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[Developers] Soften Assertion Checks for `BlueprintCallable` Functions #27

Open GuyPaddock opened 1 year ago

GuyPaddock commented 1 year ago

As a Developer who is getting started with OpenPF2, I'd like it if the assertion checks in BlueprintCallable code were softer, so that if a blueprint becomes out-of-date or unintentionally passes-in a nullptr for a required parameter, I get an error message instead of Unreal Engine crashing.

Acceptance Criteria

Given I'm calling a BlueprintCallable function from a blueprint and I pass a null value into a required parameter:

  1. I'd expect either that the blueprint would not compile or that I'd get an error in the logs.
  2. I'd expect Unreal Engine not to crash.
  3. I'd expect the call to have no other side effects (i.e. it should return early upon detecting the missing parameter value).