OpenPF2 / Plugin

Core C++ Game Logic for OpenPF2 (Status: Pre-alpha)
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[Game Designers] Rename `CoreContent` Folder to `Optional` #48

Closed GuyPaddock closed 11 months ago

GuyPaddock commented 11 months ago

As a Game Designer, I'd like it if the folder containing supplemental content from OpenPF2 was called Optional instead of CoreContent so that I understand I have the option to copy files from that folder into my game or ignore them completely without having to bloat my game with unnecessary extra content.

Acceptance Criteria

Given I look at the contents of the OpenPF2 Content Folder:

  1. I'd expect to not see a CoreContent folder.
  2. I'd expect to see an Optional folder containing what used to be in CoreContent.
  3. I'd expect OpenPF2 features to still work correctly.

Background Information

By definition, content in the current CoreContent folder is not required for the mechanics of the plugin to work. Any content that is required for mechanics would be in the Core folder. Since these are both folders under Content, it's redundant to have Content in the name of the folders.