OpenPF2 / Plugin

Core C++ Game Logic for OpenPF2 (Status: Pre-alpha)
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[Players] Implement Damage and Character Death Calculations for Attacks with Weapons #53

Closed GuyPaddock closed 3 weeks ago

GuyPaddock commented 10 months ago

As a Player, I'd like it if an attack my character performs actually did damage to other characters and creatures so that I can have a productive role during encounters.

Acceptance Criteria

Given an ability has been provided with a target enemy, the ability has been activated and it's currently my character's turn to act:

  1. I'd expect damage rolls and attack damage to be calculated based on the rules of the Pathfinder 2e Core Rule Book.
  2. Given an attack successfully strikes/hits an opponent and a non-zero damage value was calculated for that attack: I'd expect the attack to reduce the health of the opponent.
  3. Given that the opponent's health hits zero:
    1. Given that the opponent is a basic creature: I'd expect the opponent to die.
    2. Given that the opponent is player character (PC), a PC companion, or another story-significant character or creature: I'd expect the opponent to be knocked out and become at risk of death.
    3. Given an opponent is at risk of death: I'd expect the way dying conditions, death, recovery, and unconsciousness to work as described in the Pathfinder 2e Core Rule Book.