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Core C++ Game Logic for OpenPF2 (Status: Pre-alpha)
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[Developers] Embed Licensing within Each Blueprint #54

Open GuyPaddock opened 10 months ago

GuyPaddock commented 10 months ago

As a Developer, I'd like it if the license under which a blueprint is being provided was clearly indicated both within the Blueprint as well as in its description in the content browser so I can identify what licensing restrictions I am subject to when I open the blueprint without having to ask the project maintainer.

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am working with a Blueprint that is licensed under the OGL or MPL:

  1. Given I open the blueprint for editing in Unreal Engine and am looking at the "Event Graph":

    1. I'd expect to see a colorful (pink - R:1.0, G:0.0, B:0.25) comment in size 14 text in the upper left corner of the event graph that indicates whether the blueprint is licensed under the MPL or OGL licenses.

      For example: image

    2. Given that the event graph is very tall: I am willing to scroll up to the top left of the event graph to find the license comment.
  2. Given I hover over the Blueprint in the content browser: I'd expect the tooltip description that ends with the license; for example:
    OpenPF2 for UE Game Logic, Copyright YEAR, Guy Elsmore-Paddock. All Rights Reserved.

Content from Pathfinder 2nd Edition is licensed under the Open Game License (OGL) v1.0a, subject to the following:

Except for material designated as Product Identity, the game mechanics and logic in this file are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d) (see accompanying LICENSE.TXT). No portion of this file other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

GuyPaddock commented 7 months ago

For this ticket, I also need to move the OGL citations for some GEs out of "UIData Text Only" blocks and into either comments in the blueprint graph or the description of the GE. For example, see /OpenPF2Core/OpenPF2/Core/Conditions/GE_CheckCondition_KnockedOut.GE_CheckCondition_KnockedOut