OpenPF2 / Plugin

Core C++ Game Logic for OpenPF2 (Status: Pre-alpha)
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[Developers] Migrate Gameplay Tags to C++ #60

Open GuyPaddock opened 5 months ago

GuyPaddock commented 5 months ago

As a Developer maintaining a project that relies on the OpenPF2 plug-in, I'd like it if the tags that the plug-in exposes and relies on were defined in C++ rather than in a tags INI file so that I don't have to keep the tag files in my project up to date with the plug-in and tags can be accessed from C++ quickly and directly.

Conditions of Acceptance

  1. Given I am adding OpenPF2 to my project: I'd expect to not have to copy INI files containing gameplay tags into my project.
  2. Given I am updating the copy of OpenPF2 in my project: I'd expect to not have to update INI files containing gameplay tags in my project.
  3. Given I need to use a gameplay tag provided by OpenPF2 (e.g., Trait.Condition.Dying.2) in a blueprint: I'd expect the tag to appear in lists of tags in the blueprint editor.
  4. Given I need to use a gameplay tag provided by OpenPF2 (e.g., Skill.Athletics.Expert) in C++ code:
    1. I'd expect to not have to "request" the tag by its string name.
    2. I'd expect to be able to get a reference to the tag through a namespace or class exposed by OpenPF2.
GuyPaddock commented 5 months ago

Credit to Cinderblade on Discord for suggesting this change!