OpenPF2 / Plugin

Core C++ Game Logic for OpenPF2 (Status: Pre-alpha)
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[Game Designers] Replace Complex, Weight-group-based Character GE Loading with Something Simpler and More Flexible #61

Open GuyPaddock opened 5 months ago

GuyPaddock commented 5 months ago

As a Game Designer using OpenPF2 in my game, I'd like it if there was a simpler and more flexible way to create Gameplay Effects (GEs) that affect base character stats (e.g., Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, etc.) and their modifiers than using the rigid and complicated "weight groups" system that currently exists so that I don't have to create complex workarounds so that temporary effects added to a character work properly with permanent level ups and ability boosts.

Implementation Notes

Cinderblade from the community has suggested using "Mod Evaluation Channels". A prototype of an approach like this has been provided here: