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Possible Pickup Tweaks #30

Open gmcomp opened 10 years ago

gmcomp commented 10 years ago

1) Should redundant pickups give a little energy? Just played a game where I got over a dozen EMP 1 pickups, most of them in a row. X) Perhaps having redundant items give a sliver of energy would early pick-ups still matter late-game?

2) A slightly brighter glow around pick-ups might make them more easily seen against dark backgrounds.

3a) When the player picks up missiles and has none, perhaps the game should auto-select them?

3b) Ditto for when you fire all the missiles of one type—this would avoid the frustration of knowing you have missiles, but loosing the shot before you can switch over to them.

4) The EMP key (X) is next to the chat key (C). This just resulted in a friend of mine trying to fire it, getting stuck in chat, hitting ESC to exit the chat, and exiting the whole match instead. Perhaps make (`) chat?

Really enjoying the game thus far. : D

CrazySpence commented 6 years ago

Hmm I like the cut of this guys jibb for #1

1/4 the amount of energy that a normal energy bar would take sounds about right, could be a "recycling" energy factor

adds to his list

CrazySpence commented 6 years ago

for #2 without even reading this in years I recently added extras to radar (not pushed to repo yet) but I added it cause it's a pain trying to find extras. I used dark grey it makes them visible without being messy

gmcomp commented 6 years ago

Glad to see this is still being worked on! : ) Can't wait to play it again. When you update, I'll wrangle my friends into a few games and let you know how it goes.

Thoughts on the other suggestions?

uberlinuxguy commented 2 years ago

I like option 3 as well. and option 1. Energy management is a pain...

For number 4... hmm.... backtick is currently the console. I don't remember if users can remap keys or not through the .cons files... remapping keys option would be nice... but probably not a quick fix.

CrazySpence commented 2 years ago

3 a and b are great ideas I like the idea of 1 as well, maybe half as much as a normal energy pickup, so you get something but not nothing 4 oh right ....that is what the chat key is, i do all my chatting when im dead from the console