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Adjust EMP damage and appearance? #91

Open uberlinuxguy opened 2 years ago

uberlinuxguy commented 2 years ago

I am wondering if the EMP weapon is too OP.

It looks like the upgrade 3 can do... 12,000 damage in one shot, seems excessive.

I am proposing 2 changes:

  1. Rebalance EMP damage, which is calculated on EMP wave count * damage count since each wave is a collision.

  2. Re-evalutate the color and appearance of each EMP level. Currently, it's hard to distinguish visually from the base and emp upgrade 1.

I would propose the following rebalance of damage:


CrazySpence commented 2 years ago

i don't mind nerfing the wave 3 a bit but I kinda like the gold look 3 has, it makes it look dangerous and it looks cool from a distance too

While unrelated to this I think nerfing the photon and swarms may be in order as well. I think the photon cannon will kill you if one or two pieces hits you as it currently is.

uberlinuxguy commented 2 years ago

We can keep the color of 3 the way it is, but 1 and 2 (or base and emp upgrade 1) are too similar

uberlinuxguy commented 2 years ago

I am also ok with nerfing swarms and photon. I would half swarms at least. Would be cool to add an emp counter measure for all missiles

CrazySpence commented 2 years ago

Agreen, they do look similar,

Yea I thought you might like that EMP missile idea, you would have to be super quick on the EMP button so it isn't an OP countermeasure but it IS a countermeasure which currently we don't have beyond using the after burner erratically or the invulnerability addon

uberlinuxguy commented 2 years ago

I actually had the thought last night about if an emp pulse hits you, you loose control for a couple of seconds. Then I wondered why an emp would hurt other ships with a self damage infliction ... physics ....