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CUPS network printer yields strange results with IPP everywhere #636

Closed onkobu closed 1 year ago

onkobu commented 1 year ago

I have a server with an USB attached printer (Canon Pixma iP3600) which works fine. A PDF file can be printed with 2 pages on one sheet (A4 in landscape, page 1 left, page 2 right). Command is lp -d Canon_iP3600_series -o number-up=2 multipage.pdf This printer uses the Gutenprint-driver and is exposed over the network.

Different hosts are setup to use this driver's URL with the Generic IPP Everwhere driver. The all show the same broken output. For example the command from above on that host with the same PDF yields a 4-page pattern instead. Upper half of an A4 page (portrait) holds the two pages. The lower half is empty. Switching portrait/ landscape yields a similar result but the two pages in the upper half are turned 90°.

Some print jobs even show a strange multiplication I could not find a pattern for. Without setting any copy parameter printing pages, page-ranges multiplies the entire output, pages 1-2 yields 4 copies, 3 pages yield 9 or more (cancelled the job).

Before the system used raw queues on the server and Gutenprint on all other hosts – security risk. Various combinations of PCL-drivers on the other hosts cause no prints at all. Neither Avahi nor Zeroconf are in use.

zdohnal commented 1 year ago

Hi @onkobu

what CUPS version do you have?

What OSes are on server and on clients?

What application do you use for printing the documents?

It would be great if you followed the steps from the issue template and provided the requested information - from a client and the server for the same job.

Either way the behavior looks like the options are applied twice - once on client and then on server, but the logs will tell us more.

onkobu commented 1 year ago

CUPS 2.4.2-r6 (, all clients and the server) Gentoo Linux (all participating hosts) Affected applications: lp (also on the clients) and any other (Gimp, Libreoffice, imagemagick)

How did I setup application of options twice? All I did was adding a printer (through CUPS web UI) on the CUPS server with Gutenprint as a driver. On the clients I added a printer, too but with ipps-URL and IPP Everywhere (CUPS web UI, too).

When creating a new issue there is no issue template. Only the three options are displayed:

The log files (error_log and access_log) don't offer anything useful with standard log levels. There's only a bunch of HTTP.200 codes with no additional attributes. Do you suggest do switch it to debug and try a new job with suspicious options?

zdohnal commented 1 year ago

CUPS 2.4.2-r6 (, all clients and the server) Gentoo Linux (all participating hosts) Affected applications: lp (also on the clients) and any other (Gimp, Libreoffice, imagemagick)

How did I setup application of options twice? All I did was adding a printer (through CUPS web UI) on the CUPS server with Gutenprint as a driver. On the clients I added a printer, too but with ipps-URL and IPP Everywhere (CUPS web UI, too).

There might be filters run on the client which apply the options - if I pass PDF on my F38 machine to IPP Everywhere queue, no filters are run, so this might be a difference.

When creating a new issue there is no issue template. Only the three options are displayed:

* bug report

* feature request

* security vulnerability

If you choose bug report, there is a link in ```Additional info```` - .

The log files (error_log and access_log) don't offer anything useful with standard log levels. There's only a bunch of HTTP.200 codes with no additional attributes. Do you suggest do switch it to debug and try a new job with suspicious options?

Yes, there are exactly those steps and more in the link :) .

onkobu commented 1 year ago

On the client lpoptions yields

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On the server

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onkobu commented 1 year ago

Now after each job the printer blinks the error light. Sometimes I have to unplug the power since there is no response to any button. Also between jobs I have to start the printer again on the server (maintenance drop box). When I revert to raw queues on the server and Gutenprint on the clients everything is fine again.

Since this is a waste of resources both ink (always cleaning printing head), paper and time I simply give up. Something needs to be fixed. Either IPP Everywhere on clients and Gutenprint on the server is invalid configuration or the combination of these is broken at least for a Canon IP 3600. (Without any emotion, just the facts.)

And instead of offloading technical tasks to users I suggest to implement proper logging at least of the important technical aspects of print jobs. Makes retrieval more easy.