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Newspack is an open-source publishing platform built on WordPress for small to medium sized news organizations. It is an “opinionated” platform that stakes out clear, best-practice positions on technology, design, and business practice for news publishers.
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error after updating to the latest Radio Station dev relaase #31

Closed gusaus closed 1 year ago

gusaus commented 1 year ago

Probably not a bug since I uploaded the lastest dev release

Which is probably not compatible with this version of PRO

You can see the error on the Pantheon environment - both of you are already set up as users if you wanna root around

Not a huge deal since we're not providing this branch to any customers (yet).

tonyzeoli commented 1 year ago

Yes, it's not compatible with Premium yet. Please do not install Premium at this time. Roll back to just PRO.

gusaus commented 1 year ago

I don't even know what Premium is - I just downloaded and committed/pushed but didn't touch pro. Again, not a big deal at the moment since nobody is using or testing this branch (aside from me/us).

I would like to get on the same page with the dev flow next week. Ideally, we can bring in some additional folks looking to gain experience by contributing to open source projects like WordPress.

majick777 commented 1 year ago

@gusaus I just retested Radio Station develop ( with Pro premium and didn't get an error. Can you provide us with the exact error you get when you are reporting? It will save time having to login places to find the information you are already seeing. To save time I'd rather only login to test something if I can't see what the problem is already from the provided error message, as that's usually enough to go on.

@gusaus @tonyzeoli The difference between "premium" is that it is an "upgrade" in the Freemius system, whereas without the "(Premium)" in the plugin header, it is treated as an addon instead. They usee different licenses and the license used needs to match. We moved from Pro as an "addon" to Pro as an "upgrade", but going forward we are going to use bundles instead, so technically it will move back to an "addon". Except that we can only provide a free trial for an "upgrade", so fortunately we can do both as we support both (though it was a real pain to get that working!

gusaus commented 1 year ago

Closing out as this error has gone away after removing Radio Station PRO from this repo.