The Physics Hub is an open source physics simulations project that is being developed by physics students worldwide and aims to deliver clear and easy to understand physics simulations free for everyone!
Linearly increasing distributed load on a straight member simulation
Type of issue
[x] New Feature
[ ] Bug
[ ] Documentation
Possible Fixes / Implementations
Perhaps the person can select the intensity of the load, and the slope of the load, and the simulation can graph the free body diagram, the shear force diagram, and the bending moment diagram. Maybe even you could choose whether the beam was simply supported, or has a fixed support on one end, or on both ends. Point loads could also be considered for the same, as well as point moments.
Linearly increasing distributed load on a straight member simulation
Type of issue
Possible Fixes / Implementations
Perhaps the person can select the intensity of the load, and the slope of the load, and the simulation can graph the free body diagram, the shear force diagram, and the bending moment diagram. Maybe even you could choose whether the beam was simply supported, or has a fixed support on one end, or on both ends. Point loads could also be considered for the same, as well as point moments.