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Refactor BountyList search #1762

Open Christopher-Stevers opened 1 year ago

Christopher-Stevers commented 1 year ago

We've realized that we need to switch to non-realtime search so to speed up search times, because our current method of filtering can make the user wait for a long time while bounties are loading. This will become more and more of an issue the more bounties we have. Therefore, I propose that we make our search non-realtime like github.

If the user doesn't like our defaults, they'll be able to specify ready for work (funded without tvc), search text, and sort order. These parameters will be passed to a resolver in our api which will get all the bounties from are api, check with github to see if they have the correct search text, and then give the user the bounties what they are looking for.

In the frontend we'll remove filterBounties from the BountyList PaginatedList, and modify fetchBountiesWithServicesArg as needed to pass the search/sort params to the backend.

Any thoughts @FlacoJones @ArcAnya