/controller/main.php: Return error messages as a response instead of echoing and exiting.
/core/core.php: get_badge_sql function shares no code between the userid / fingerprint cases, and will behave badly if neither are given. Split this into two different functions instead.
/ucp/useraccounts_module.php: empty($markedbadges) ? $delete_sql = '' : ' AND ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('badge_id', $markedbadges, true); looks bogus. Did you mean delete_sql = empty($markedbadges) ? '' : ' AND ' ...`? If not, write this as a proper if statement.
/language/en/*.php: Why do these filenames end with an underscore?
/controller/main.php: Return error messages as a response instead of echoing and exiting.
/core/core.php: get_badge_sql function shares no code between the userid / fingerprint cases, and will behave badly if neither are given. Split this into two different functions instead.
empty($markedbadges) ? $delete_sql = '' : ' AND ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('badge_id', $markedbadges, true);
looks bogus. Did you mean delete_sql = empty($markedbadges) ? '' : ' AND ' ...`? If not, write this as a proper if statement./language/en/*.php: Why do these filenames end with an underscore?