OpenRA / ra2

A Red Alert 2 mod for the OpenRA game engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
970 stars 160 forks source link

/bin/sh: msbuild: command not found #722

Closed nodesocket closed 4 years ago

nodesocket commented 4 years ago

Does this work on macOS 10.15.4? I am seeing:

MacBook-Pro ➜  ra2-master make
OpenRA engine version release-20200202 is required.
Downloading engine...
Compiling engine...
Fetching ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib from NuGet
Fetching MaxMind.Db from NuGet
Fetching NUnit from NuGet
Fetching NUnit.Console from NuGet
Fetching Open.Nat from NuGet
Fetching FuzzyLogicLibrary from NuGet.
Fetching SDL2-CS from GitHub.
Fetching OpenAL-CS from GitHub.
Fetching Eluant from GitHub.
Fetching rix0rrr.BeaconLib from NuGet.
/bin/sh: msbuild: command not found
make[1]: *** [cli-dependencies] Error 127
make: *** [engine-dependencies] Error 2
Mailaender commented 4 years ago

See on how to install the dependencies you seem to be missing.

Mailaender commented 4 years ago

Updated the wiki as this keeps popping up.

nodesocket commented 4 years ago

@Mailaender thanks for the reply and information. After installing brew install mono, it crashes when I call ./

MacBook-Pro ➜  ra2-master ./
Platform is OSX
Engine version is release-20200202
Using SDL 2 with OpenGL renderer
Desktop resolution: 3360x1890
No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution
Using resolution: 3360x1890
Using window scale 2.00

    Native Crash Reporting
Got a SIGILL while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

    Native stacktrace:
    0x109c81cb8 - /usr/local/bin/mono : mono_dump_native_crash_info
    0x109c2a81f - /usr/local/bin/mono : mono_handle_native_crash
    0x109ba9ae0 - /usr/local/bin/mono : mono_sigill_signal_handler
    0x7fff6e8b65fd - /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib : _sigtramp
    0x7fff34714142 - /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation : -[__NSDictionaryM objectForKey:]
    0x10f3a04fe - /Users/justin/Desktop/ra2-master/engine/libSDL2.dylib : -[SDLOpenGLContext setWindow:]
    0x10f3a12b7 - /Users/justin/Desktop/ra2-master/engine/libSDL2.dylib : Cocoa_GL_MakeCurrent
    0x10f3a0faa - /Users/justin/Desktop/ra2-master/engine/libSDL2.dylib : Cocoa_GL_CreateContext
    0x10f308161 - /Users/justin/Desktop/ra2-master/engine/libSDL2.dylib : SDL_GL_CreateContext_REAL
    0x10f21d2a4 - /Users/justin/Desktop/ra2-master/engine/libSDL2.dylib : SDL_GL_CreateContext
    0x113fb627b - Unknown
    0x10bdfefb2 - /usr/local/Cellar/mono/ : System_Threading_ThreadHelper_ThreadStart_Context_object
    0x10bdfc713 - /usr/local/Cellar/mono/ : System_Threading_ExecutionContext_Run_System_Threading_ExecutionContext_System_Threading_ContextCallback_object_bool
    0x109bacf96 - /usr/local/bin/mono : mono_jit_runtime_invoke
    0x109d5f9c9 - /usr/local/bin/mono : do_runtime_invoke
    0x109d614af - /usr/local/bin/mono : mono_runtime_delegate_try_invoke
    0x109d808f0 - /usr/local/bin/mono : start_wrapper_internal
    0x109d806b8 - /usr/local/bin/mono : start_wrapper
    0x7fff6e8c2109 - /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib : _pthread_start
    0x7fff6e8bdb8b - /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib : thread_start

    Telemetry Dumper:
Pkilling 0x700003a30000 from 0x700004463000
Pkilling 0x10fbdfdc0 from 0x700004463000
Entering thread summarizer pause from 0x700004463000
Finished thread summarizer pause from 0x700004463000.

Waiting for dumping threads to resume

    External Debugger Dump:

    Basic Fault Address Reporting
Memory around native instruction pointer (0x7fff31d9865c):0x7fff31d9864c  77 00 0f 0b 48 8d 3d d3 65 7f 00 e8 6e f1 77 00  w...H.=.e...n.w.
0x7fff31d9865c  0f 0b 49 89 c6 eb 13 48 89 c7 e8 cf f6 77 00 b3  ..I....H.....w..
0x7fff31d9866c  01 eb 9a 49 89 c6 84 db 74 05 e8 e3 f6 77 00 4c  ...I....t....w.L
0x7fff31d9867c  89 f7 e8 69 f0 77 00 0f 0b e8 b2 f7 77 00 55 48  ...i.w......w.UH

    Managed Stacktrace:
      at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
      at SDL2.SDL:SDL_GL_CreateContext <0x000aa>
      at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.Sdl2GraphicsContext:InitializeOpenGL <0x00062>
      at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.ThreadedGraphicsContext:RenderThread <0x00192>
      at System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context <0x000e1>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal <0x00191>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x00042>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x00063>
      at System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart <0x0006a>
      at <Module>:runtime_invoke_void__this___object <0x000c3>
./ line 41: 71148 Abort trap: 6           mono OpenRA.Game.exe Engine.LaunchPath="${TEMPLATE_LAUNCHER}" "Engine.ModSearchPaths=${MOD_SEARCH_PATHS}" Game.Mod="${MOD_ID}" "$@
abcdefg30 commented 4 years ago

Mono installed via homebrew apparently causes issues: It should work when you use instead.

nodesocket commented 4 years ago

I removed my brew version:

brew remove mono --force

And then installed MonoFramework-MDK- and then even rebooted.

When I run make still seeing:

MacBook-Pro ➜  ra2-master make
/bin/sh: msbuild: command not found
make[1]: *** [cli-dependencies] Error 127
make: *** [engine-dependencies] Error 2

Mono does not seem to be in my path:

MacBook-Pro ➜  ra2-master which mono
mono not found
bramanis commented 4 years ago

I am also missing msbuild on Ubuntu 20.04 although I have installed all the dependencies.

Mailaender commented 4 years ago

You need to install it from as it isn't packaged in Ubuntu.