OpenRA / ra2

A Red Alert 2 mod for the OpenRA game engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
977 stars 161 forks source link

ra2 crashed, first click after start #746

Closed valentyn-yakovlev closed 4 years ago

valentyn-yakovlev commented 4 years ago

System Information

Platform is Linux (ubuntu 18.04.5, kernel 5.7.0-15.1-liquorix-amd64) Engine version is release-20200202 Using SDL 2 with OpenGL renderer Desktop resolution: 2560x1440 No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution Using resolution: 2560x1440 Using window scale 1.00 OpenGL version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 450.51.06 Using default sound device Internal mods: ra2: Red Alert 2 ({DEV_VERSION}) d2k: Dune 2000 (release-20200202) all: All mods (release-20200202) ts: Tiberian Sun (release-20200202) modcontent: Mod Content Manager (release-20200202) cnc: Tiberian Dawn (release-20200202) ra: Red Alert (release-20200202) External mods: ra2-{DEV_VERSION}: Red Alert 2 ({DEV_VERSION}) Loading mod: ra2

Exception log

Exception of type `System.IO.EndOfStreamException`: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
  at OpenRA.StreamExts.ReadBytes (System.IO.Stream s, System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x00021] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.StreamExts.ReadBytes (System.IO.Stream s, System.Int32 count) [0x0001b] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Primitives.SegmentStream.CreateWithoutOwningStream (System.IO.Stream stream, System.Int64 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x00046] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Mods.Common.FileFormats.WavReader+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<LoadSound>b__0 () [0x00000] in <912c6af6b0b546bf8b7311b492dd52ea>:0 
  at OpenRA.Mods.Common.AudioLoaders.WavFormat.GetPCMInputStream () [0x00000] in <912c6af6b0b546bf8b7311b492dd52ea>:0 
  at OpenRA.Sound+<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<Initialize>b__0 (OpenRA.ISoundFormat soundFormat) [0x00000] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Sound.LoadSound[T] (System.String filename, System.Func`2[T,TResult] loadFormat) [0x00064] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Sound+<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<Initialize>b__1 (System.String filename) [0x00000] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Exts.GetOrAdd[K,V] (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] d, K k, System.Func`2[T,TResult] createFn) [0x0000b] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Primitives.Cache`2[T,U].get_Item (T key) [0x00000] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Sound.PlayPredefined (OpenRA.SoundType soundType, OpenRA.Ruleset ruleset, OpenRA.Player p, OpenRA.Actor voicedActor, System.String type, System.String definition, System.String variant, System.Boolean relative, OpenRA.WPos pos, System.Single volumeModifier, System.Boolean attenuateVolume) [0x001ca] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Sound.PlayNotification (OpenRA.Ruleset rules, OpenRA.Player player, System.String type, System.String notification, System.String variant) [0x00022] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Widgets.ButtonWidget.HandleMouseInput (OpenRA.MouseInput mi) [0x000a8] in <912c6af6b0b546bf8b7311b492dd52ea>:0 
  at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleMouseInputOuter (OpenRA.MouseInput mi) [0x000a0] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleMouseInputOuter (OpenRA.MouseInput mi) [0x00052] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleMouseInputOuter (OpenRA.MouseInput mi) [0x00052] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleMouseInputOuter (OpenRA.MouseInput mi) [0x00052] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Widgets.Ui.HandleInput (OpenRA.MouseInput mi) [0x00030] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.DefaultInputHandler+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<OnMouseInput>b__0 () [0x00000] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Sync.RunUnsynced[T] (System.Boolean checkSyncHash, OpenRA.World world, System.Func`1[TResult] fn) [0x00023] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.DefaultInputHandler.OnMouseInput (OpenRA.MouseInput input) [0x0000d] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.Sdl2Input.PumpInput (OpenRA.Platforms.Default.Sdl2PlatformWindow device, OpenRA.IInputHandler inputHandler, System.Nullable`1[T] lockedMousePosition) [0x00173] in <528676db201547d897e67e6623487777>:0 
  at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.Sdl2PlatformWindow.PumpInput (OpenRA.IInputHandler inputHandler) [0x00006] in <528676db201547d897e67e6623487777>:0 
  at OpenRA.Renderer.EndFrame (OpenRA.IInputHandler inputHandler) [0x0000c] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Game.RenderTick () [0x0014b] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Game.Loop () [0x0014d] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Game.Run () [0x0003c] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Game.InitializeAndRun (System.String[] args) [0x00010] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 
  at OpenRA.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00044] in <533a203ee27f479d965a0045982f0d01>:0 


Additional information

MustaphaTR commented 4 years ago

Sounds like , but that shouldn't be a problem unless you edited the mod to read Yuri's Revenge files. Only in YR the click sound uses this specification, not in vanilla RA2.

You are using the English version of the game, right? I feel like maybe different language version may have the same issue since those sound files are in language/langmd.mix.

valentyn-yakovlev commented 4 years ago

Sounds like OpenRA/OpenRA#15994 , but that shouldn't be a problem unless you edited the mod to read Yuri's Revenge files. Only in YR the click sound uses this specification, not in vanilla RA2.

You are using the English version of the game, right? I feel like maybe different language version may have the same issue since those sound files are in language/langmd.mix.

Oh, it is Russian version. I will find another one

valentyn-yakovlev commented 4 years ago


You were right, the issue in non-english version