STR_6677 :Add beaches around water bodies
STR_6678 :Heightmap source:
STR_6679 :Flatland
STR_6680 :Simplex noise
STR_6681 :Heightmap file
STR_6682 :Map Generator - Generator
STR_6683 :Map Generator - Terrain
STR_6684 :Map Generator - Water
STR_6685 :Map Generator - Forests
STR_6686 :Tree to land ratio:
STR_6687 :Min. tree altitude:
STR_6688 :Max. tree altitude:
STR_6689 :{UINT16}%
STR_6690 :Minimum land height
STR_6691 :Enter min. land height between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16}
STR_6692 :Maximum land height
STR_6693 :Enter max. land height between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16}
STR_6694 :Minimum tree altitude
STR_6695 :Enter min. tree altitude between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16}
STR_6696 :Maximum tree altitude
STR_6697 :Enter max. tree altitude between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16}
STR_6698 :Tree to land ratio
STR_6699 :Enter tree to land ratio between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16}
STR_6700 :Simplex Base Frequency
STR_6701 :Enter Base Frequency between {COMMA2DP32} and {COMMA2DP32}
STR_6702 :Simplex Octaves
STR_6703 :Enter Octaves between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16}
STR_6704 :{COMMA2DP32}
STR_6705 :Browse…
STR_6706 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Current image file: {BLACK}{STRING}
STR_6707 :(none selected)
STR_6708 :Smooth Strength
STR_6709 :Enter Smooth Strength between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16}
Updated strings on PR OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2#22735.
New strings:
Updated in:
Notification when new strings arrive: @OmarAglan @J0anJosep @LPSGizmo @Wuzzy2 @gr33ndev @tellovishous @dimateos @groenroos @rmnvgr @LucaRed @telk5093 @Mmmmulder @Gymnasiast @marcinkunert @Tupaschoal @CsyeCokTheSolly @LPR-Michael @mrmagic2020 @daihakken