OpenROADM / OpenROADM_MSA_Public

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Feature Request Device Info #2

Closed damianoneill closed 7 years ago

damianoneill commented 7 years ago

Please consider adding the following leafs to the device info container

        leaf sysDescr {
            description "Text description of the entity.";
            type string;
        leaf sysUpTime {
            description "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management
                        portion of the system was last re-initialized.";
            type ietf-yang-types:timeticks;
        leaf sysContact {
            description "Contact information";
            type string;
        leaf sysName {
            description "The node's fully qualified domain name, if it has one.";
            type string;
        leaf sysLocation {
            description "Text description of the system location";
            type string;