OpenRailwayMap / OpenRailwayMap

An OpenStreetMap-based project for creating a map of the world's railway infrastructure.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ORM won't move on IE9 #239

Closed bigbug21 closed 8 years ago

bigbug21 commented 9 years ago

For some reason, OpenRailwayMap cannot properly be used on Internet Explorer 9, the standard web browser at Deutsche Bahn. It is not posible to move on the map, neither by mouse turns nor by arrow keys.

rurseekatze commented 9 years ago

Do other Leaflet maps (like the examples at work?

Are there any error messages in the web developer console?

bigbug21 commented 9 years ago

There are indeed errors on the web developer console: "SCRIPT5022: DOM Exception: SECURITY_ERR (18). L.TileLayer.Greyscale.js, Zeile 54 Zeichen 4"

Beside the non-working scrolling, there is also no default background.

As for the other leaflet maps, the first example at the first page already works fine (

rurseekatze commented 9 years ago

Seems to be the same or a similar problem as #35.

Nakaner commented 9 years ago

Ugly fix: Maybe show coloured Mapnik layer on IE and a note (should be avoided but seems necessary and simple)

Internet Explorer does not support a lightweight grayscale map. Sorry. We do not have the money to operate an own tiled map service which serves grayscaled map tiles. We suggest to use another browser like Firefox or Chrome.

We do not have the money to either operate our own grayscale TMS or a proxy which converts coloured tiles to grayscale.

rurseekatze commented 9 years ago

@bigbug21 Does also not work and throws this error? In this case this would be a bug in, so I would close this issue because there is nothing to do for us and hope that the maintainer of the plugin fixes the issue.

bigbug21 commented 9 years ago

@rurseekatze: While map is shown in colors on IE9, navigating it (zooming, moving) works fine.

bigbug21 commented 9 years ago

According to friends, both IE 10 and IE 11 have the same isues with OpenRailwayMap.

bigbug21 commented 8 years ago

Some more details on the non-moving ORM on IE 11. The error message reads:

* cut * SCRIPT5: Zugriff verweigert Datei: view, Zeile: 1, Spalte: 1 * cut *

bigbug21 commented 8 years ago

If there is no short-term solution in sight, it might be a temporary solution to throw a simple pop-up warning for IE users, referring to Chrome and Firefox.

bigbug21 commented 8 years ago

Since the recent Leaflet update, ORM works flawlessly on IE 11!

rurseekatze commented 8 years ago
