OpenRailwayMap / server-admin

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Use external blacklist instead of filtering by IP #16

Open DerDakon opened 4 years ago

DerDakon commented 4 years ago

Doing it that way will be a never ending story. Try this:

The example blacklists are a good start. I also use

Nakaner commented 4 years ago

My personal mailserver users Spamhaus DNSBL (and BIND for local requests in order not to hit the usage limits). However, Spamhaus blocks DNS requests from Hetzner customers (experience as co-operator

But you are right, hand-crafted lists cannot be the only solution. I will have a look at the Manitu list.

DerDakon commented 4 years ago

That's not true anymore, my mailserver is also in the Hetzner range and it works for me. It is true that they have blocked it in the past.