OpenRoberta / openroberta-lab

The programming environment »Open Roberta Lab« by Fraunhofer IAIS enables children and adolescents to program robots. A variety of different programming blocks are provided to program motors and sensors of the robot. Open Roberta Lab uses an approach of graphical programming so that beginners can seamlessly start coding. As a cloud-based application, the platform can be used without prior installation of specific software but runs in any popular browser, independent of operating system and device.
Apache License 2.0
123 stars 118 forks source link

'disabled="true"' should NOT be used in our integtration tests #1367

Open rbudde opened 1 year ago

rbudde commented 1 year ago

A lot of blocks are disabled in the integration tests. This can trigger a message "all blocks are used in tests", even if this is false.

Occurrences of 'disabled="true"' in Directory C:\git\openroberta-lab\OpenRobertaServer\src\test\resources\crossCompilerTests
Found Occurrences in Directory C:\git\openroberta-lab\OpenRobertaServer\src\test\resources\crossCompilerTests  (23 usages found)
    Usage in string constants  (23 usages found)
        OpenRobertaServer  (23 usages found)
            crossCompilerTests.robotSpecific.botnroll  (7 usages found)
                sensors.xml  (2 usages found)
                    519 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="6sIB9#hw2J8}V@AI6*^W" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    535 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="sFGMC`6=m!UOVM6)1a6," inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                text_colours_functions.xml  (5 usages found)
                    229 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="-O#A/x8u:3j?7dKaz.,+" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    255 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="+;TJGyn1!P@dv]uvm*/C" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    268 <block type="robActions_display_text" id=";~L(vbCJ*V/DS09R56;v" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    281 <block type="robActions_display_text" id=",KT9j~vqjpw_xFB/1u9~" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    294 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="ci%%|JtfW|fx;LDXFJTR" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
            crossCompilerTests.robotSpecific.calliope  (1 usage found)
                math_lists.xml  (1 usage found)
                    834 <block type="mbedActions_display_text" id="IzWyo,`E_xK6*Py(Hr=c" disabled="true" intask="true">
            crossCompilerTests.robotSpecific.nano33ble  (1 usage found)
                aifes.xml  (1 usage found)
                    177 <block type="variables_get" id="bsNPn9,kp(RW27-aU75U" disabled="true" intask="true">
            crossCompilerTests.robotSpecific.nxt  (14 usages found)
                text_colours_messages_functions.xml  (14 usages found)
                    266 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="TRQiz3Y[{VEIoMqfrEtH" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    285 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="U@:+w^]S^nm9uD{s57Cx" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    323 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="MtjLVI!cMlIH*D9_hNV+" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    342 <block type="robActions_display_text" id="}B}I!V2n-*|[^XB4*7%j" inline="true" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    361 <block type="variables_set" id="WT;cniJxAedgtu%1f(v)" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    370 <block type="variables_set" id="Lqdr.!u!!utZI(a@F?pZ" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    379 <block type="variables_set" id="R]GDhuL[DD=6+;hd+|VY" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    388 <block type="variables_set" id="pjb|0j*#vT+kW?ZWE0`~" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    397 <block type="variables_set" id="OY,vjKB:_S2Qe=I1hTxX" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    2475 <block type="robProcedures_defreturn" id="^HP8`}C.5nRbg0}*%p[f" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    2490 <block type="robProcedures_defreturn" id="Soy)n;Lpo+^]rqjMO=4v" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    2505 <block type="robProcedures_defreturn" id="a1|+rf/]afKbYT2CtpHS" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    2520 <block type="robProcedures_defreturn" id=":n{tbMj,kyj~3d!va;u/" disabled="true" intask="true">
                    2535 <block type="robProcedures_defreturn" id="tIT(~3[ZC6S7MsgmAxP2" disabled="true" intask="true">
rbudde commented 1 year ago

unowifirev2 has disabled the RFID-RC522 blocks. If enabled, they give a warning and generate no code.

RaghuvirShirodkar commented 1 year ago

Cross compilation fails for Uno Wifi Rev 2 on develop:

2022-09-23 19:23:15,259 INFO SPECIFIC-IT - [[[[[[[[[[ Robot: unowifirev2     compile file: /crossCompilerTests/robotSpecific/unowifirev2/action_1.xml
2022-09-23 19:23:15,263 INFO de.fhg.iais.roberta.util.Util - stored under: /tmp/dT_0C_bP_57c/prog/source/prog.cpp
2022-09-23 19:23:15,284 ERROR de.fhg.iais.roberta.util.Util - crosscompilation of NEPO generated program failed. Messages are logged to logger 'crosscompiler_error'
2022-09-23 19:23:15,284 INFO crosscompiler_error - 
***** cross compilation failed with response:
/tmp/dT_0C_bP_57c/prog/source//prog.cpp:8:10: fatal error: Adafruit_SSD1306.h: No such file or directory
 #include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
compilation terminated.
***** for program:
// This file is automatically generated by the Open Roberta Lab.

#include <Arduino.h>

#include <Servo/src/Servo.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C/LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <Stepper/src/Stepper.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <NEPODefs.h>


void loop()
2022-09-23 19:23:15,284 ERROR d.f.i.r.w.c.ArduinoCompilerWorker - compile unowifirev2 program prog failed with /tmp/dT_0C_bP_57c/prog/source//prog.cpp:8:10: fatal error: Adafruit_SSD1306.h: No such file or directory
 #include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
compilation terminated.
2022-09-23 19:23:15,311 INFO SPECIFIC-IT - ---------- Robot: unowifirev2     FAILED (response-info) compile file: /crossCompilerTests/robotSpecific/unowifirev2/action_1.xml
2022-09-23 19:23:15,311 INFO SPECIFIC-IT - ]]]]]]]]]]

Missing library in ora-cc-rsc perhaps?

rbudde commented 1 year ago

the Adafruit_SSD1306 block must be removed from the configuration, as it is not part of our distribution. If possible, the library should be added