OpenRobotLab / EmbodiedScan

[CVPR 2024] EmbodiedScan: A Holistic Multi-Modal 3D Perception Suite Towards Embodied AI
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[Docs] Will the acc@0.25 >1. in 3DVG? #50

Closed iris0329 closed 2 months ago

iris0329 commented 2 months ago


main branch

📚 The doc issue

  iou = top_bbox.overlaps(top_bbox, gt_bboxes)  # (num_query, 1)

  for t in self.iou_thr:
      threshold = iou > t
      found = int(threshold.any())
      if view_dep:
          gt["View-Dep@" + str(t)] += 1
          pred["View-Dep@" + str(t)] += found
          gt["View-Indep@" + str(t)] += 1
          pred["View-Indep@" + str(t)] += found
      if hard:
          gt["Hard@" + str(t)] += 1
          pred["Hard@" + str(t)] += found
          gt["Easy@" + str(t)] += 1
          pred["Easy@" + str(t)] += found
      if unique:
          gt["Unique@" + str(t)] += 1
          pred["Unique@" + str(t)] += found
          gt["Multi@" + str(t)] += 1
          pred["Multi@" + str(t)] += found

      gt["Overall@" + str(t)] += 1
      pred["Overall@" + str(t)] += found

header = ["Type"]
ret_dict = {}

for t in self.iou_thr:
  table_columns = [["results"]]
  for object_type in object_types:
      metric = object_type + "@" + str(t)
      value = pred[metric] / max(gt[metric], 1)
      ret_dict[metric] = value

  table_data = [header]
  table_rows = list(zip(*table_columns))
  table_data += table_rows
  table = AsciiTable(table_data)
  table.inner_footing_row_border = True
  print_log("\n" + table.table, logger=logger)

I printed the shapes of top_bbox and gt_bboxes:

 top_bbox.shape      torch.Size([10, 9])
 gt_bboxes.shape     torch.Size([1, 9])

From what I understand, when gt is increased by one, pred can be increased by a maximum of found (could be num_query). It is possible that the value of pred is much larger than gt. In this case, the value = pred[metric] / max(gt[metric], 1) may be greater than 1.

I look forward to your reply.

Tai-Wang commented 2 months ago

Note that found = int(threshold.any()) can only be 0 or 1, so pred is always smaller than gt. Therefore, the accuracy is always smaller than 1.

BTW, the current metric is only suitable for the current benchmark with only one gt box. When we have multiple boxes in a data sample to ground, we will adjust the metric afterward. Please stay tuned for further updates.

iris0329 commented 2 months ago

@Tai-Wang, thank you for the detailed response. I just found that the value of found only be 0 or 1.