OpenRobotLab / PointLLM

[ECCV 2024] PointLLM: Empowering Large Language Models to Understand Point Clouds
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Issue with Input Feature Points Data Dimensionality in PointLLM Code #5

Closed henryzhao0615 closed 8 months ago

henryzhao0615 commented 8 months ago

Hello team, Firstly, it is really a amazing work and I appreciate your work on the PointLLM project and the online demo can work well. However, I've encountered an issue while implementing the code with my personal feature points data. when I running the code, I noticed that when I input my personal feature points data to into the code as id, which the size (478, 3), it showed the error like this, image which means it expected to to have 6 channels, but got 3 channels instead.

To solve this, I duplicated the 3 dimensions of my data, changing its size from (478, 3) to (478,6) , which resolved the error. But this is not a good solution, for point cloud, we need to have only 3 dimensions. I think this issue is caused by the conv size. Could you please investigate this issue? A solution or guidance on how to handle 3-dimensional data without having to artificially adjust its size would be highly beneficial.

Thanks for your attention to this matter. Looking forward to your response.

RunsenXu commented 8 months ago

Hi, the last three channels are color, so you cannot simply duplicate the first dimensions. I recommend appending [0, 0, 0] or [1, 1, 1] to your point cloud, which means your point clouds are all with black color or white color.

henryzhao0615 commented 8 months ago

thanks, I understand, my data is the non-color feature and will suppose to add [0,0,0].