OpenSCAP / scap-workbench

SCAP Scanner And Tailoring Graphical User Interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
223 stars 65 forks source link

Package for scap-workbench (ubuntu) only available on 18.04 LTS #290

Closed capactiyvirus closed 2 years ago

capactiyvirus commented 2 years ago

I cant apt-get install scap-workbench on 20.04LTS

capactiyvirus commented 2 years ago

skippa commented 2 years ago

did you ever solve this? I'm really struggling to get scap-workbench to install and work on just about any Ubuntu version. Website says 17.04 or newer. 14.06, 16.04 and 17.04 all don't work and all either don't have scap-workbench in the repo or outdated libraries which prevent installing from .deb file releases or compiling.

Really love to know if anyone got this working on Ubuntu and how...

skippa commented 2 years ago

Just tried Debian 11, same issue, not in the repo! Surely I'm missing something here...

ghost commented 2 years ago

The Ubuntu 20.04 release of the package is out-of-date and relies on qt4 which is not supported on Ubuntu 20.04 (only qt5 is) so it fails to build. The source for the (currently) last deb package for Ubuntu is here:

There is a Debian bug report indicating the Debian experimental repo has scap-workbench 1.2.1 which is current:

The changelog messages for that Debian package are here:

As a work-around you can use the Debian package on Ubuntu 20.04 by rebuilding it.

dpkg-source -x scap-workbench_1.2.1-1.dsc
cd scap-workbench-1.2.1/
sensible-editor debian/control
At line 16 change this:
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
into this:
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12)
quilt pop debian/patches/0002-Fix-build-warning.patch 
sensible-editor src/TailoringWindow.cpp
At line 648 change this:
    mCollapsedItemIds = QSet<QString>(list.begin(), list.end());
into this:
    mCollapsedItemIds = QSet<QString>::fromList(list);
quilt refresh
dch -i
Add a description and change UNRELEASED to focal
debuild -uc -us -I -i
cd ..
dpkg -i scap-workbench_1.2.1-1_amd64.deb
matejak commented 2 years ago

We can't do anything about this here, it's up to distros to take proper care of updating packages. I suggest that you get in touch with respective maintainers to figure out what to do. I will close the issue, as it is not something that we can influence here upstream.

JOduMonT commented 2 years ago

We can't do anything about this here, it's up to distros to take proper care of updating packages. I suggest that you get in touch with respective maintainers to figure out what to do. I will close the issue, as it is not something that we can influence here upstream.

While on the official website, when we ask to report a bug/open a ticket it land us here (on the repo)


You could at least give the proper information on the website

where You can install SCAP Workbench on Ubuntu 17.04 (and newer) using apt-get: apt-get install scap-workbench

is obviously wrong

ggbecker commented 2 years ago

We can't do anything about this here, it's up to distros to take proper care of updating packages. I suggest that you get in touch with respective maintainers to figure out what to do. I will close the issue, as it is not something that we can influence here upstream.

While on the official website, when we ask to report a bug/open a ticket it land us here (on the repo)


You probably want to contact @dodys to ask for something related to newer versions scap-workbench availability. In the meantime you can always try to build yourself using these instructions:

You could at least give the proper information on the website

where You can install SCAP Workbench on Ubuntu 17.04 (and newer) using apt-get: apt-get install scap-workbench

is obviously wrong

I've updated the page to mention that it only works until 18.04 SCAP Workbench on Ubuntu 17.04 (and newer until 18.04)

dodys commented 2 years ago

Yeah, Debian dropped scap-workbench a few years ago, but I don't remember the reason for it. Consequently this also was removed from Ubuntu. Nonetheless, there's someone trying to push scap-workbench again to the debian repos (currently on experimental) which you can check here: and another person built it for Ubuntu 20.04: . Please be aware that this is a person's PPA and not maintained at all by Canonical, so it is your own risk to install such package. In the meantime I will forward your concerns internally to see if we can get scap-workbench back to Ubuntu official repos.