Open denyspozniak opened 2 weeks ago
Any updates here? No progress has been made in the last 15 days, marking as stale. Will close this issue if no further updates are made in the next 30 days.
I don't see something broken, it's just different... That's because the function uses some defaults that you are not expecting, and it does not inherit them throughout the branches.
If you would like to enforce From display name and Contact, make sure you are explicit about the 4th and 5th parameters of the b2b_client_new
Best regards, Răzvan
@razvancrainea but if you look at the log above (B2-leg), there is also a "corrupted" To header. How can this be fixed?
I may be wrong, but I don't see anything corrupted - it's the same To header that was received.
Not sure what is the "fix" you are expecting.
I may be wrong, but I don't see anything corrupted - it's the same To header that was received.
I would expect the B2-leg to have the To header modified as it happened in the B1-leg
In the example below, when doing serial call forking b2b_bridge_retry() brakes SIP header in B2-leg (sip:102@pbx):
A-leg (sip:bob@ --> B1-leg (101@pbx)
--> B2-leg (102@pbx)
If you need help with reproducing or need logs/pcap traces, I can send privately.
opensips -V