Open antithing opened 7 years ago
this program is not real-time,i have already tested on iphone 6. running step. this is the running command line in my computer. "./VIO /home/fyj/Code/C++/LearnVIORB/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt /home/fyj/Code/C++/LearnVIORB/config/euroc.yaml /home/fyj/Code/C++/LearnVIORB/Examples/ROS/ORB_VIO/mav0/imu0/data.csv /home/fyj/Code/C++/LearnVIORB/Examples/ROS/ORB_VIO/mav0/cam0/data.csv /home/fyj/Code/C++/LearnVIORB/Examples/ROS/ORB_VIO/mav0/cam0/data"
you should calibrate your IMU device first to get some parameters in need. For details you can read the files named IMU.
Hi, I get this code run in real time, while i find there some problems that may caused by IMU parameters. Can you give some advices about the IMU Calibration, mainly about the parameter "Camer.Tbc" in the file "config/Stereoeuroc.yaml"? @fyj3266098 this may help you @lusj
@fyj3266098 Hey, you said you have tested the program with iphone6, so is it works well?
@antithing In my project ,it runs real-time at first after several frames it becomes slower and slower.
@fyj3266098 how about the accuracy?
@vonzy sometimes it is fine!
Hi, thank you for making this code available! I am looking at merging an xsens imu into orbslam2, will your code run in real time?
Can you please run me through the steps I need to do to get this running? Is there an IMU calibration needed?
Thank you again!