OpenSMFS / FRETBursts

Burst analysis software for single and multi-spot single-molecule FRET (smFRET) data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Compatibility with python 3.9 #36

Open ucbecla opened 2 years ago

ucbecla commented 2 years ago


I have just tried installing fretbursts with the recommended "conda install -c conda-forge fretbursts" line and received an error message about a conflict due to my version of python (3.9). On the documentation it says python 3.6+ is needed; but is there a limit to the version of python supported ? Is there a workaround otherwise ?

Many thanks, Christophe

jacrossley commented 2 years ago

Hey Christophe,

Compatibility issues with 3.6/3.7+ is a known problem. From what I remember there was some issues with unit testing that prevented the package from being updated to support newer python versions. I have wanted to get round to fixing this for a while but haven't found the time. My suggestion would be to use a dedicated conda environment for your FRETBursts installation which uses an older version of python, in general, this is good practice anyway (see: []) So, to create an environment and install FRETBursts you'd want to do something along the lines of:

conda create -n py36FRETBursts python=3.6
conda activate py36FRETBursts
conda install fretbursts -c conda-forge

Hope this helps! Let us know any issues.


harripd commented 1 year ago

Hi Christophe,

Sorry if I'm chiming in much later. I'm taking over the maintenance of FRETbursts. What I can tell you is this: the latest github version of FRETBursts is fully compatible with python 3.9, unfortunately I haven't been able to get it up onto conda-forge, the update process is broken somehow. So if you install with pip instead

pip install fretbursts

You should be able to run it on python 3.9

Best, Paul