OpenSMFS / FRETBursts

Burst analysis software for single and multi-spot single-molecule FRET (smFRET) data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Refactor hist2d_alex #7

Open tritemio opened 6 years ago

tritemio commented 6 years ago

From @tritemio on February 9, 2016 17:47

The plot function hist2d_alex is an old complex function with a visualization (2-D histogram + scatterplot) now superseded by the more powerful alex_jointplot.

hist2d_alex should be refactored (and maybe renamed to hist_ES or distribution_ES?) to produce a single E-S "distribution" plot (hexplot, kde, scatterplot) without marginals. Next, this can be used to simplify the implementation of alex_jointplot and to provide a more uniform API for both alex_jointplot and hist_ES.

Copied from original issue: tritemio/FRETBursts#43