OpenSUTD / DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite

DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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Kick Off Freshmore with SUTKD! #106

Open sutkd opened 2 years ago

sutkd commented 2 years ago

Session Name Kicking Off Freshmore with SUTKD!

Abstract SUTKD invites you to try Taekwondo! Never tried a martial art before? We invite you to have your first experience with us. Join us to learn some fun self-defence techniques and show off your kicks to your fellow freshies! You'll get a free drink after the session to help you stay hydrated :)

Student Organisation organising this session SUTKD (Taekwondo)

Event Format Physical

Session intent (what to expect) • Participants will learn the basic principles behind self-defence, the intentions of Taekwondo and some basic defensive techniques, such as active movement and kicks. • Participants do not need any prior experience and everyone is welcome regardless of background. • Participants can eventually continue their training in order to improve their physical well-being and develop a better sense of the ways in which their body can move.

Session details • No. of Participants: 2 groups of max 5 pax (may change subject to restrictions at the time) • Venue: Dance Studio 7 • Timing: Wednesday and Friday 5-7 pm • Dates: 17th, 22nd and 24th of September

Speakers/Workshop facilitators SUTKD Exco SUTKD Coach (TBC, subject to restrictions)

Sign up link

Telegram group:

Logistical details / Budget Needed Welfare: Refreshing Drinks $1.90 x 10 per session (subject to number of participants) We want to make sure that they're hydrated and energised after the session!

Club Email for contact: P/VP Telegram handles: @BlongTran @after232

makehahaz commented 2 years ago

Hi @sutkd, just some updates from our team.

1. We are not able to support your 24 September session if goes past 6pm (any Friday session beyond 6pm will not be labelled under DiscoverSUTD). A suggestion would be to either bring your session forward if possible, or the session will be truncated. Otherwise you will have to submit a normal EPF for the session (which in my opinion is not worth the trouble for the 1 hour). Do let us know your thoughts on this!

  1. For the other sessions, if the budget is approved, funding will be allocated based on the number of expected attendees. More details will be shared with approval status.

Cheers and do let us know before this coming Wednesday, 25 Aug.

After232 commented 2 years ago


Thank you for letting us know about the constraints! We'll be contacting OSL soon to see if we can shift our sessions back by an hour. We'll try to have it from 4-6 then. One of us will follow up to this as soon as we get a response!

Additionally, our coach will not be attending for the introductory sessions, so the facilitators are just going to be us, the exco. 2 exco will be present per session, alongside a maximum of 8 freshies, giving us a total of 10 total members within the group. Based on this, with our stated budget of $1.90 x 10 participants x 3 sessions, our final funding would be ~ $57.00 for the whole batch of sessions.

Should we edit the issue to reflect the above?

makehahaz commented 2 years ago

Hey @After232 , thank you! No need to edit the issue, all's good for now. Cheers!

kyrinthz commented 2 years ago

Hello ! We would like to inform you on two changes. 1) Our coach will be joining our introductory session on 24th September. 2) All our sessions will be conducted from 4-6 (as approved by OSL)

Thank you!

castlemas commented 2 years ago

Hi @sutkd

Noted on the changes made. Could I confirm the following?

We will request with the booking of Venue: Dance Studio 7 Timing: 1600-1800hrs Dates: 17th, 22nd and 24th of September Participants for 17/9 & 22/9: 8 + 2 excos/ session (Total 30) Participants for 24/9: 8+ 2 excos + 1 coach = 11

Would be great to have your response by today.

Thank you xx

kyrinthz commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

Yes that is right. We did not know your team would book the studio for us so we have emailed OSL who have confirmed our booking of DS7.

Thank you.

castlemas commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

Yes that is right. We did not know your team would book the studio for us so we have emailed OSL who have confirmed our booking of DS7.

Thank you.

@kyrinthz Ah, so does that mean you would not need us to help do any booking of venues?

I would also like to add that there is a mandatory PPP on the afternoon of 22/9. Would it be possible if the team shift this session to after 6pm?

kyrinthz commented 2 years ago

@castlemas We will shift to 6:30-8:30 for our 22/9 session. Sorry for any confusion. We would not need any help in booking of venues. Thank you.

makehahaz commented 2 years ago

Hi @kyrinthz Just an update on our end that your approved budget amount is $40.50 to get your refreshments! We will share more details on the claim process, but it will be done via concur (so do remember to keep your receipts!).