OpenSUTD / DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite

DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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SUTD Scratch! Intro Session 2021 #117

Closed FolkLoreee closed 2 years ago

FolkLoreee commented 2 years ago

Session Name DJ Crash Course by Scratch!

Abstract Have you ever wanted to DJ but don't know where to start? Join us and discover how you can be a DJ!

Student Organisation organising this session SUTD Scratch!

Event Format Physical

Session intent (what to expect)

Session details

No of participants: max 25 (5 groups of 5) + 5 exco members to facilitate. Location: LT 5 or LT 4 (subject to availability) Date/Time: Wednesday, 29th September 18.30 - 20.00

Speakers/Workshop facilitators

SUTD Scratch! Exco members :)

Sign up link(if any)

Logistical details / Budget Needed None

Club Email:

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

Hi @FolkLoreee thanks for submission of the event! do you guys need help booking the venue?

FolkLoreee commented 2 years ago

Hi @ExtremelySunnyYK, sure, would be great if you could help us book the venue. Thanks :) But do let us know if you have any difficulty in booking since we usually do our own booking 😄

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

Hey @FolkLoreee Just some feedback from our team that for your sign-up form. Do use the DiscoverSUTD form template which includes the PDPA clause. We are not able to verify as we cannot access your forms.

The link can be found here

Do click on 'duplicate form' and create your own form! Then share with use the updated link.

Hope your team understands, thank you!

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

Dear @lowryan Your event has been approved by the school admin. You have been allocated LT 4 29 Sep 6.30pm - 8pm. Wishing you a smooth and successful event!

lowryan commented 2 years ago

Hi @ExtremelySunnyYK I think you've tagged the wrong person for this session

caramelmelmel commented 2 years ago

Our apologies! @lowryan @FolkLoreee your event has been approved! you can go ahead and make arrangements!!!

caramelmelmel commented 2 years ago

@ExtremelySunnyYK I have helped you to check lmk if you need to open this issue up again

makehahaz commented 2 years ago

Hi @FolkLoreee Your sign-up form seems to be broken. Could I trouble you to look into the link and re-upload the sign-up form once more? Thank you!

FolkLoreee commented 2 years ago

Hi @makehahaz @ExtremelySunnyYK, sorry, we attached the wrong link. I have amended the link to point to the correct form. We duplicated the form off your template earlier, so the PDPA clause is still there. Please help to review it, thanks !

makehahaz commented 2 years ago

@FolkLoreee All is well! The venue should be LT4 for your planned session. Cheers!