OpenSUTD / DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite

DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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Vertex Cheerleading #150

Closed gnuppie closed 2 years ago

gnuppie commented 2 years ago

Name of Student Organisation Vertex Cheerleading Club

Cluster Sports

Classification Fifth Row

Description Vertex is a team of like-minded individuals with a similar goal – to perform at the peak of our physical potential. As a competitive, coed Cheerleading Team, our trainings are focused on stunting and tumbling/gymnastics, and prior experience is not needed. If you are seeking for a strong camaraderie with your fellow members, as well as a thrilling, satisfying, and unique university experience, look no further – join us to defy gravity today!

Training / Meeting Timings Tuesday 1845HRS - 2200HRS Saturday 0945HRS - 1500HRS

Student Organisation Introduction Video

Name / Contact of President Bryan Hengardi Telegram: @bryaniiiii HP: +65 (9238 3312)

Other Relevant Links Registration Form:

Register for our Introductory Sessions during DiscoverSUTD weeks:

IG: @sutdvertex FB: SUTD Vertex Cheerleading ( YouTube: Vertex Cheerleading ( Website: Tellonym: @sutdvertex