OpenSUTD / DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite

DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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SUTD Bands Bandscamp 2021 #24

Closed caydennn closed 3 years ago

caydennn commented 3 years ago

Session Name Bandscamp

Abstract An online bands camp organized by SUTD Bands to orientate the freshies and share with them more about our club. They will also get a chance to get their hands dirty working on a music project.

Student Organisation organising this session SUTD Bands

Event Format Virtual

Session intent (what to expect) To introduce SUTD Bands to incoming freshies (Eg. what the club is about, the events we organize) and to try to orientate potential club members Creativity Teamwork

Session details 25th September, 2-6pm Link to Telegram group for interested freshies to be found in the form (Zoom link will be posted there)

Speakers/Workshop facilitators NIL - SUTD Bands Exco

Sign up link(if any)

Logistical details / Budget Needed NIL

Please provide us with your club e-mail address so we can notify you once your event has been scheduled.

Copy this template to ensure consistent branding throughout DiscoverSUTD.

yongkangc commented 3 years ago

Event Approved! Congrats and hope you guys have a great event!