OpenSUTD / DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite

DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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Makerspace Personalized Stationery Holder #25

Closed Ryanthz closed 3 years ago

Ryanthz commented 3 years ago

Makerspace Personalized Stationery Holder [Insert a title that captures the intent of the session and is attention-grabbing.]

Adorn your workplace with a beautiful stationery holder with your personal touch and alongside like-minded friends. [Insert a short description of the highlights of your session in one or two sentences]

Makerspace [Insert name of Student Organisation]

Think Tank (venue to be confirmed) Physical [Will your event be physical or virtual?]

Session details Ideally 15 participants per workshop and we intend to hold it in a think tank. Timing and date (to be confirmed)

Let us know the number of participants you can handle and where you intend to hold it.. If you have any constraints on the timing or any other matters, do specify as well (We are only able to help with booking of common rooms such as Thinktanks, no guarantee that these rooms will be available too, do indicate if you would like us to book for you! )

Speakers/Workshop facilitators

  1. Bryan Low Wei Sheng (President)
  2. Eunice Kwok Xiu Yi (Vice President)
  3. Tan Hong Zhang (Secretary)
  4. Aida Natasha Binte Nor Azahar (Treasurer)
  5. Nur Thohirah Bte Sani (Projects Director) Share with us the background of your facilitators to provide some context for your participants.

Sign up link(if any) [Insert Signup Link]

Logistical details / Budget Needed Wood Sheets | $30 Acrylic 3mm | $20 Super Glue | $5 Paint | $30 Total Expenditure: $85

Help us with the overall resourcing of our events. This will give us a cue as to how to budget for the event and if there are further constraints we must consider. Please provide us with your club e-mail address so we can notify you once your event has been scheduled. Copy this template to ensure consistent branding throughout DiscoverSUTD.

Club Email: Telegram: