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DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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APEX Introductory Session 2021 #26

Open benjaminchong99 opened 3 years ago

benjaminchong99 commented 3 years ago

Session Name

APEX Freshmen Introductory Session

Abstract Introduce SUTD APEX to the incoming freshmores

Student Organisation organising this session SUTD APEX

Event Format Physical

Session intent (what to expect)

Session details Proposal as follow:

Activity Planning

Location: ISH2

Dates: 17/09/21(Fri),



Duration: 1630H - 1800H

Number of Participants expected: 32 per session

Ice Breakers

Participants will be in groups of four. For the ice breakers, each group will be accompanied by an APEX EXCO member to have a relaxed sharing session together. Participants will get a chance to meet new friends and get to know more about the fifth row before the Race.

Freshmen Race

Flow of Events:

00:00H - 00:15H | Ice breakers -- | -- 00:15H - 00:20H | Briefing and Instructions 00:20H - 00:25H | Warm up 00:25H - 01:10H | Freshman Race 01:10H - 01:15H | Cool Down 01:15H - 01:30H | Debrief

There will be a total of 5 stations, with the stations spreaded out at the corners of the ISH. Between stations, participants would be required to run to the next station. Each team would start the race at the same time, with every team on different stations. The time taken for each group to complete would be recorded. 

The team that takes the longest time will receive a forfeit, which will require all participants to do a 1 min introduction about themselves.


Each station would be led by a facilitator attached to the group to help and guide the participants on the activities they are required to complete. The teams would start at different stations (e.g Team 1 at Station 1, Team 2 at Station 2, Team 3 at Station 3) and would go in a round robin arrangement among the 4 stations. Once the 4 stations have been completed, the team will go to the last station.

The stations includes:

Station 1: Tent Pitching. Participants will be required to set up a tent, and then pack it back into the bag. If the participants require any help, they can call the station ic for assistance.

Station 2: Fitness Station. Participants would be required to complete 10 burpees, 15 jumping jacks and 15 sit-ups for each participant (take about 2 minute per individual). Each member will do it individually like a relay. For example, the 1st participant does the entire exercise first while the other 3 participants can help to encourage and cheer the person. Once the 1st participant is done, the 2nd participant is next to do the exercise.

Station 3: First Aid. Participants would be required to show a simple understanding of first aid by applying first aid skills to the mock situation. In this station, they are required to bandage each other with bandages. We can provide them gloves and hand sanitiser at that station for hygiene purposes or where participants have contact-to-contact issues.

Station 4: Group Skipping. Group Skipping. Each group would be provided with a skipping rope. The group will have to successfully jump 10 times consecutively together, with two of the participants holding on to the skipping rope and 3 other members jumping the rope together. Two players will hold the end of the ropes while another member will skip. Each member in the group will need to complete 10 skips each, need not be consecutive.

Station 5 (End point): Knot Tying. In each previous station, a knot would be shown to the participants to remember. Participants will have to recap all the 4 types of knots they saw and tie them in order to finish the race. Once they had done so, the timing would be stopped and calculated.

The knots are as follows: 

Station 1: Figure of 8 knot

Station 2: Reef knot

Station 3: Butterfly knot

Station 4: Bowline



Before and after the Race, organizers and station ICs would remind the participants to hydrate themselves. During the briefing, organizers would also ask and flag out participants who are not feeling well or had just only gotten their vaccination within the past 7 days. If so, they would not be able to participate in the race.

During the games, stations ICs at the respective stations will be helping to ensure that games are conducted safely. In the event if a participant is injured, they will alert the organizers to bring the first aid kit over.

Social distancing and COVID precautions

Participants and Organizers will always have their masks on unless they are taking part in the warm up, activities, or cool down. At the gathering point, participants would sit in groups of five with a metre of social distancing between them.

At the stations, the station ICs would be present at the station to enforce social distancing measures. 

In the event if social distance measures of 2 people still remain, participants would be doing all the activities in groups of 2. There will also be a revised number of participants per session. Because ISH is the venue, we will inclde “Are you fully vaccinated?” question in the Google Sign Up Forms. On the actual event day, we will also request participants to show us their vaccination status for confirmation. If they fail to do so, they are not allowed to partake in the event.

Wet Weather Programme

ISH will be the venue, hence there will not be any changes to the stations.

End of Proposal

Speakers/Workshop facilitators


Sign up link

Logistical details / Budget Needed


Item | Quantity | Request from | Budget -- | -- | -- | -- Tents (Station 1) | 3 | APEX Store | - Big Hand Sanitiser(Station 3) | 1 | APEX Store | - Paracords(Knot tying) | 7 | APEX Store | - Laminated Guides | 3 | - | - Crepe Bandages (Station 3) | 24 | DiscoverSUTD | $19 x2 = $38 $19 for 12 rolls/boxaccording to Shopee Skipping Rope(Station 4) | 3 | DiscoverSUTD | $8 x 3 = $24 $8 per rope from Decathlon Disposable Latex Gloves | 1 box | DiscoverSUTD | $16.90 per box for 100 pieces according to Guardian 100 plus for the winning team per session | 12 bottles | DiscoverSUTD | $18   |   | Total budget request | $96.90

club email address:

castlemas commented 3 years ago

Hi @benjaminchong99 ,

May I know the number of facilitators on the day of the event? Would like to know the expected number of attendee including the 32 participants will be on the day itself. Would be great if you could let me know by today.

Thank you xx

benjaminchong99 commented 3 years ago

Hi @benjaminchong99 ,

May I know the number of facilitators on the day of the event? Would like to know the expected number of attendee including the 32 participants will be on the day itself. Would be great if you could let me know by today.

Thank you xx

Hi @castlemas , there will be 8 facilitators on the day of the event. The number of attendees including the participants would be estimated to be 40. Thanks!

jolow99 commented 3 years ago

Hi @benjaminchong99 could I trouble you to use our template for your registration form? This was in the original GitHub issue template. Have attached it here for your convenience

benjaminchong99 commented 3 years ago

Hi @jolow99 I have updated the form, please feel free to let me know if any further amendments are needed.

jolow99 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @benjaminchong99 !

jolow99 commented 3 years ago

Dear @benjaminchong99 Your event has been approved by the school admin.

Additionally, your budget full request of $44 for has been allocated $44. Do note that your 22 Sep session clashes may clash with PPP timing and that we will not display that particular session in our event calendar if so, as PPP is a compulsory event.

Wishing you a smooth and successful event!

benjaminchong99 commented 3 years ago

Hi @jolow99 , the budget we requested is not $44 but $96.90. I refer you to the proposal above. Can you help us confirm the amount again? Thanks.

jolow99 commented 3 years ago

Hi @benjaminchong99 , I believe you had edited the submission 8 days ago, after our deadline of 12 Aug.

Our team had already compiled and submitted the budget details to the school admin prior to that.

benjaminchong99 commented 3 years ago

Hi @jolow99, alright, sorry about the trouble and thanks for the confirmation. May I ask how are we getting the fund and how to claim from the fund as well? Thanks.

jolow99 commented 3 years ago

hey @benjaminchong99, an email will be sent to your treasurer pok shun, with a concur code. From that, it's just the usual concur claims process