OpenSUTD / DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite

DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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University-YMCA (Uni-Y) #83

Open ongkahyuan opened 2 years ago

ongkahyuan commented 2 years ago

**Name of Student Organisation*** University-YMCA (Uni-Y)

Cluster Community

Classification Fifth Row

Description We're the university service club of YMCA Singapore! We conduct both local and overseas community service projects throughout the year, but also emphasize personal and leadership development through training and programmes. That's because we believe communities drive service - to build community within campuses before reaching out. We've got chapters in NUS, NTU, and SMU too, and there's opportunities to interact with a wide community of like-minded people! Join us if you're interested in serving and doing good!

Training / Meeting Timings Programme-dependent, up to once every 2 weeks.

Student Organisation Introduction Video

Name / Contact of President Joel Ong

Other Relevant Links [Insert relevant links e.g. Student Organisation website, Telegram, Registration Forms] Telegram: Instagram: Welcome Tea Registration: