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DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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Surfing the sea of stars with SUTD Astro #88

Open ljysarah opened 2 years ago

ljysarah commented 2 years ago

Session Name Surfing the sea of stars with SUTD Astro


It's true that Singapore is pitifully light polluted, but a big ol' light bucket changes the scene. In this session, we'll teach you how to use a telescope and find objects in the night sky. Maybe see a planet or two?

Student Organisation organising this session SUTD Astro

Event Format Physical

Session intent (what to expect)

-Introduction to astronomy in SG and what we do in SUTD Astro -Participants will learn how to use a telescope and star hop -No prerequisite knowledge needed -Enjoy the night sky

Session details

Gear will be set up at the field next to sports complex. Up to 10 people welcome. Session will be 1.5h long but people are free to show up and leave at any time.

2 sessions will be held, 20 and 27 Sept, 10-11pm

Speakers/Workshop facilitators

Sarah Loo- President

Sign up link(if any)

Logistical details / Budget Needed

-The floodlights at the field only turn off at 11pm. A session starting that late may not be the best. Is it possible to get OCIF to turn them off earlier for those 2 days? -Booking of the field next to the block 61 sports complex

-Budget to buy miniature telescopes to distribute: Miniature telescopes $3.84 each, 8 pieces ($30.72 total):

I have designed a mount for these telescopes to make them look like actual scientific telescopes.

Justification: The cheapest actual telescope out there costs $70+, and it's a great way to hinder someone from joining the hobby. I have taken the liberty to design a tripod and mount for cheap miniature handheld scopes and print them myself. These converted scopes will do nicely to look at things like the moon or star clusters. It's a nice and cheap way for people to own their own piece of equipment and stargaze at any time.

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

Hu sarah @ljysarah, Yong kang here. thanks for submitting your event proposal! Just wanted to get a bit more detail from you so that we can increase the chances of your event getting funded.

  1. Could you provide the specific breakdown of the sminiature telescopes you would be purchasing, i.e cost, units and a short justification for it?

Reference : AISG Student Chapter SUTD

In addition, I don't think that the field next to the sports complex is required for booking.

Regarding turning off of the flood lights, i dont think we can help with that, as switching off the lights is dependant on whether the field is being used.


jolow99 commented 2 years ago

Hey @ljysarah! Unfortunately, we have a strict guideline from the school to avoid holding events after Fridays 6pm. This means that we would be unable to support your event on 17/24 Sep in terms of budget and adversting. I would recommend that your team either consider other dates, or consider continue hosting your events independent of DSUTD.

Could you let me know if you would like to change the dates by tomorrow, 24 Aug, 6pm. Otherwise we would assume that you would continue with your event independent of DSUTD. Thanks for understanding!

ljysarah commented 2 years ago

Hey @ljysarah! Unfortunately, we have a strict guideline from the school to avoid holding events after Fridays 6pm. This means that we would be unable to support your event on 17/24 Sep in terms of budget and adversting. I would recommend that your team either consider other dates, or consider continue hosting your events independent of DSUTD.

Could you let me know if you would like to change the dates by tomorrow, 24 Aug, 6pm. Otherwise we would assume that you would continue with your event independent of DSUTD. Thanks for understanding!

Hi, I've updated the dates. Would Thursdays be possible? Thanks.

jolow99 commented 2 years ago

@ljysarah Noted on your updated dates. Thanks for getting back so quickly! We'll keep you posted.

castlemas commented 2 years ago


As confirmed over telegram

  1. We are unable to book the session till 11:30pm, the latest is 11:00pm
  2. The venue is not available on 16 Sept and 30 Sept
  3. 20 sep,27 sep 10pm - 11pm will be requested for booking instead.

(no actions required just an update!)

jolow99 commented 2 years ago

Hey @ljysarah could I trouble you to update the registration form with the new dates / times? Thanks a lot!

ljysarah commented 2 years ago

Hey @ljysarah could I trouble you to update the registration form with the new dates / times? Thanks a lot!

Registration form updated

jolow99 commented 2 years ago

Hi @ljysarah, just to let you know. Your full budget request of $30.72 has been approved. We'll keep you up to date on the venue booking once it is confirmed.

makehahaz commented 2 years ago

Hi @ljysarah pertaining to the field booking, there is a request to firstly submit your risk assessment form first. From there, we can confirm the booking for your session.