OpenSUTD / DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite

DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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Introductory Session to Chinese Orchestra #93

Open lowryan opened 2 years ago

lowryan commented 2 years ago

Session Name Introductory Session to Chinese Orchestra

Abstract An introductory session which aims to expose members of the SUTD community to the different musical instruments found in the Chinese Orchestra, as well as to have a glimpse of what we do in SUTDCO.

Student Organisation organising this session SUTD Chinese Orchestra

Event Format Physical

Session intent (what to expect) Participants will learn about:

Session Details Venue: Music Room 1 Dates and Time of Sessions:

Speakers / Workshop facilitators The facilitators for the introductory sessions will be members of the SUTDCO Executive Committee, namely

Sign up link (if any)

Logistical details / Budget Needed Will need to use Music Room 1 for the duration of the sessions stated above (instruments are stored inside MR1). Telegram group for new freshies: Estimated Budget: ~$48 (for refreshments) Breakdown:

Please provide us with your club e-mail address so we can notify you once your event has been scheduled. Email:

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

Hi @lowryan thanks for submitting the event proposal for Chinese Orchestra.

Could we kindly have the budget breakdown of the refreshments planned for purchase?

Do note that claims would have to be made on concur with receipts.

lowryan commented 2 years ago

Hi, the following is the budget breakdown for the refreshments, we have estimated it to be around $47.35 (rounded up to $48 above):

Additionally, I have amended the dates for our sessions, it will now be held on 24 and 27 September, instead of 22 and 27 September previously.

Thank you!

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the update ryan!

castlemas commented 2 years ago


Hi Ryan, I noted that you would not need help with the booking of the Music Room venue, may I know if you'll be requiring card access to the Music room? If so, could I have at most 2 facilitators' Student IDs and Email so that we could grant you card access to the Music Room?

Thank you xx

lowryan commented 2 years ago

Yes, we would require card access to the Music Room for the sessions on both days.

Facilitator Details: Low Ryan (1005257) - Tan Kewen (1004562) -

Thanks for your help!

jolow99 commented 2 years ago

Dear @lowryan Your event has been approved by the school admin. You have been allocated Music Room 1 on 24 Sep 3pm-6pm and 27 Sep 6pm - 9pm. The full $47.35 of requested budget has been approved as well.

Wishing you a smooth and successful event!

lowryan commented 2 years ago

Hi DiscoverSUTD team,

Due to the cancellation of physical events from now till 24 Sep, our sessions on 24 Sep have been affected. As such, our club is planning to open up new dates for physical events the week after. If we were to hold physical sessions on say 29 Sep and 1 Oct, will the approval of the sessions be done through your team or will it have to be done through OSL (sending EPF?)

lowryan commented 2 years ago

Hi DiscoverSUTD team,

Our club is planning to reschedule 2 of our sessions (both previously happening on 24 Sep) to 1 Oct. Our sessions will remain physical and will be held in Music Room 1. I have updated the above issue to reflect the new session dates. Could I check if booking of the venue (Music Room 1) may be done through your team or through OSL? Thanks!

makehahaz commented 2 years ago

Hi @lowryan as per communicated through telegram. We will try to help your club for the 27 Sep booking.

lowryan commented 2 years ago

Alright, thanks for your help!