Explore the ideas behind transforming human input to sound, the completeness of MIDI as a language of music, and learn the basics of designing and manipulating sounds using software synthesizers. Understand that there are new, innovative ways to make music.
Old slides, will be updated with new content | link
We will try to make it as beginner-friendly as possible, but it's recommended attendees should have some prior musical experience to understand certain concepts.
What's covered?
Understand how protocols like MIDI help to capture (fully or not) musician expressiveness.
Understand how computers synthesize sounds.
Learn how to analyze common sounds.
Hands-on session: Learn how to synthesize the sounds you want.
Understand that music innovation is at a standstill, and what we can do about it.
Session details
Date: 4th June (Week 3, Tuesday)
Preferred location: TT16/17
Timing: 6-8pm
Capacity: 20
Speakers/Workshop facilitators
Joel and friends from SUTD Bands
Logistical details
SUTD Bands will provide all equipment. Attendees are free to bring their own music making objects, but no mayonnaise please.
SUTD Bands | Introduction to Digital Music
Explore the ideas behind transforming human input to sound, the completeness of MIDI as a language of music, and learn the basics of designing and manipulating sounds using software synthesizers. Understand that there are new, innovative ways to make music.
Old slides, will be updated with new content | link
We will try to make it as beginner-friendly as possible, but it's recommended attendees should have some prior musical experience to understand certain concepts.
What's covered?
Session details
Speakers/Workshop facilitators
Joel and friends from SUTD Bands
Logistical details
SUTD Bands will provide all equipment. Attendees are free to bring their own music making objects, but no mayonnaise please.