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Please add value4value so I can donate sats directly using Alby extension. #8

Open bitcoinuser opened 2 years ago

bitcoinuser commented 2 years ago


Please add value4value, so I can use Alby extension to easily send sats to General Fund.


abitcoinperson commented 2 years ago

We have the following lightning address, but don't yet have the ability to segment a seperate lightning address for each project.

donating to the above lightning address will just be a general donation with no specific project associated with it

rockstardev commented 1 year ago

@bitcoinuser considering @abitcoinperson's answer seems all that needs to be done is add <meta name="lightning" content="lnurlp:[]("/> to

Can you test on your end if donation to this lightning address works?

Kukks commented 1 year ago

We have the following lightning address, but don't yet have the ability to segment a seperate lightning address for each project.

donating to the above lightning address will just be a general donation with no specific project associated with it

You can create a store for each project and then have a lightning address on each store. This would help separate the funds received (each ln address payment is an invoice)

Kukks commented 1 year ago

With btcpay 1.9, we added the ability that you can attach custom metadata to individual ln addresses. This specifically allows v4v for opensats in its current setup.