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Convert MOOC planning template.docx into markdown #2

Closed Protohedgehog closed 6 years ago

Protohedgehog commented 6 years ago

Tried using Pandoc for this, and a couple of online services, but no luck! Anyone know of a service that works well for tabulated docx files?

Protohedgehog commented 6 years ago

Should have added a link to the actual file..

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 6 years ago

Does this help? (click edit on this comment to see raw markdown):

Design Phase Delivered Status badge Deadline Comments
Create table
Make a table Yep :+1: 2018/05/10 it is pretty
Make a table Yep :heavy_check_mark: 2018/05/10 it is pretty
Make a table Nope :skull_and_crossbones: 2018/05/10 dead end
Make a table Nope :snail: 2018/05/10 too slow
Make a table Yep Green 2018/05/10 it is pretty

Some cool icons to use for badges: :+1: :-1: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Or: :red_circle:
:green_heart: :large_orange_diamond:

Or status badges: Red Orange Green

The table markdown looks slightly complicated of course. Its more common to use tickboxes like below to denote task completion, e.g.:

- [ ] Prepare module

Which creates:

You could do something like:

To do list

Module 1

Dead line: 2018/05/10 Comments: Some text Green

Module 2

Dead line: 2018/05/10 Comments: Some text Green

This cheatsheet :notebook_with_decorative_cover: is super helpful

Protohedgehog commented 6 years ago

Oh this is amazing!! Is there an award during the sprint for best issue comment?

I think that both could be used maybe, the list and the table?

So, for example the list here and the table here could have these for each module?

I think I could recreate those. Using this code..! :)

jdpigeon commented 6 years ago

Join the Mark Side

Protohedgehog commented 6 years ago

Nailed it! Thanks, @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman 👍