OpenScienceMOOC / Module-5-Open-Research-Software-and-Open-Source

Module 5: Open Research Software and Open Source
MIT License
73 stars 52 forks source link

Design a quiz #32

Closed Protohedgehog closed 5 years ago

Protohedgehog commented 6 years ago

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

@jcolomb I think we still need to do this. Any idea for good questions to ask to start things off?

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog Sorry for dropping in on this - how about doing sth along the lines of to start things off?

And for the technical aspects on how to actually do quiz modules, I can fully recommend H5P, an amazing open source project based in Norway - see on what it can do ✨

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Hey @tosteiner, this looks pretty cool. If we do it here, we have plenty of choices too: Happy to add you as an instructor/admin if you like? Or we can flesh it out in the md file above and then integrate after. Also, greetings from Norway! :)

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog wow, eliademy also looks great, yes! What I particularly like about H5P is the fact that you can self-host it via your own WordPress blog, so no need for external accounts, but I suppose this is more of a philosophical thing re: control of one's data ;) Anyhow, and off-topic: You're currently visiting Norway? Didn't you just spend the Summer in Bali? Man, you sure are travelling the world! 😎

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Man, you do not want to know my travel schedule the last couple of months.. Croatia, Brazil, Bali, Taiwan, Canada, France, Germany, US.. I need a sabbatical ;) Currently up in Tromso, just arrived for the Munin conference!

And yes, the quiz! It needs to be integrated into the MOOC itself, which is the appeal of the above. Hope the link worked.

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

Oh, Tromso, I see - nice! might well be that you run into Oliver Tacke (He's one of the H5P guys) - if so, make sure to say hi, he's a great guy! 😉

and yup, back to the quiz: link works, yes - i've now registered a profile (info@flavoursofopen...) - would be great if you could add me as instructor, I'll then see what I can come up with 👍 Also, enjoy the Munin conference!

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

OK, just waiting for that to come into the system then will upgrade you!

Thanks, will keep a look out for Oliver too :)

gedankenstuecke commented 5 years ago

Please say hi to Oliver from me too if you run into him! 👋

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Hi folks, I'd like to get a quiz set up here shortly if possible: (Lemme know if you want me to add you as an instructor, @tosteiner @gedankenstuecke @jcolomb)

Any thoughts on example questions? I can add multiple choice, true/false, or open ones. :)

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog yup, instructor mode would be great, my registered email is ...favoursofopen...

am currently tied down with other stuff, but will try to come up w. a few sample questions later today (evening)

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

OK, upgraded @tosteiner! And yep, no rush. We can brainstorm things together here too if you want.

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog surprisingly found myself with a little bit of time available (cancelled meeting), so here's some suggestions:

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Yes, these are so awesome! I left a comment on the PR here.

I love this so much, but think it would be more applicable to the module on OA?

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Got the new PR @tosteiner, so awesome! Can I go ahead and integrate these into the MOOC platform right away? :)

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog sure, no problem

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog btw... you still looking for collaborators for the open access/open source article you mentioned on twitter a few days ago?

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

@tosteiner pinged on Twitter.

Also, it should be live here now any time!

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog nice, thanks! Re: eliademy quiz- yup, it's there, but explanations are missing - did you copy those in as well?

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Yeah, they should be there. It's going live in 2 minutes. Maybe they only show up once you've selected an answer and submitted? Feel free to take it for a totally unbiased test swing ;)

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

🤷‍♂️ nope, only displaying the actual results... see img 1 and 2

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

OK, first of all, how did you get questions from a quiz you designed wrong? ;)

And let me look into it, as that is weird.

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

OK, first of all, how did you get questions from a quiz you designed wrong? ;)

totally unbiased test swing ftw 😎

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Can you try submiting it? Perhaps that triggers something on my end to share the feedback.

tosteiner commented 5 years ago


Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Hm, weird. On my end, I can view your answers, and the explanations come up. I reset it now. Maybe the explanations only come up once you get 100% too, otherwise it gives away the answers for future attempts? I reset your result too btw ;)

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

OK @tosteiner I figured this out. It does show up, once you have reviewed and submitted. You then click the review answers button and it shows up with all the additional explanatory text!

So, time to go live :)