OpenScienceMOOC / Module-5-Open-Research-Software-and-Open-Source

Module 5: Open Research Software and Open Source
MIT License
73 stars 52 forks source link

A few questions... #48

Closed tosteiner closed 5 years ago

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

although a bit heavy on OA... some parts borrowed/adapted&remixed from

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

These are really awesome, thanks! Buuuuut, they don't have much to do with Open Source specifically. I would love to pilfer these for quizzes for the other modules though!!

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog dang, you're right - makes sense to use these for Mod 03 & 06, methinks... ;) Will try & add more stuff on Open Source later

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

For now, do you mind if I copy this file over to the OA module? @tosteiner

tosteiner commented 5 years ago

@Protohedgehog not at all :)

Protohedgehog commented 5 years ago

Done, danke! Added a note to the dev team section there too, just to make sure you get appropriate credit when the time comes.