OpenScienceMOOC / Module-5-Open-Research-Software-and-Open-Source

Module 5: Open Research Software and Open Source
MIT License
76 stars 52 forks source link

various suggested changes #9

Closed danielskatz closed 6 years ago

danielskatz commented 6 years ago
  1. note that there seems to be both UK and US English usage/spelling here. (e.g. organisations, endeavor, ...)
  2. I don't think the two paragraphs starting with "As mentioned above" are really relevant here. Why not talk about Octave/Matlab, or any other software where there are both open source and commercial competitors?
  3. I might argue with "An extension of this to make things even easier for future re-use is container technology." Containers are good for a bunch of things, but by hiding a lot of the details of source code and its dependencies, I think they make it harder for the future you to work with code. On the other hand, they are a good way of packaging a code and its environment for use (as opposed to modification or understanding) by others.
Protohedgehog commented 6 years ago

Lovely, thanks Dan! Will check the spelling, and the other aspects you mentioned. Danke schön!