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@article{johnson1998exploring, title={Exploring steganography: Seeing the unseen}, author={Johnson, Neil F and Jajodia, Sushil}, journal={Computer}, volume={31}, number={2}, pages={26--34}, year={1998}, publisher={IEEE}, URL={}, } @article{anderson1998limits, title={On the limits of steganography}, author={Anderson, Ross J and Petitcolas, Fabien AP}, journal={Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on}, volume={16}, number={4}, pages={474--481}, year={1998}, publisher={IEEE}, URL={}, } @article{provos2003hide, title={Hide and seek: An introduction to steganography}, author={Provos, Niels and Honeyman, Peter}, journal={Security \& Privacy, IEEE}, volume={1}, number={3}, pages={32--44}, year={2003}, publisher={IEEE}, URL={}, }