OpenSecEd / usability

A learning module for Usable Security
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[evallab] Usability evaluation lab #6

Open dbosk opened 8 years ago

dbosk commented 8 years ago

We can adapt the lab from the chid course to a security usability focus.

Have a few aspects that should be investigated, e.g. to set up a MITM connection to yield a certificate warning and observe how people handle it. We could provide several scenarios and the students choose which they want to investigate. Or we group the students and let the group design their investigation. In either case it's more interesting for them to work in groups.

Then we have a session where the students (groups) present their results. This will be interesting for everyone, especially to see if the results coincide --- if not we have to explain why.

dbosk commented 7 years ago

An alternative is to find good and bad examples of security usability. And also to fix the problems.

dbosk commented 5 years ago

See primcomlab/issue 3.