OpenSecuritySummit / oss2018

Open Security Summit 2018
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Write summit support letter for attendees to give to employer #242

Open JemmaD opened 6 years ago

JemmaD commented 6 years ago

2 versions - funding request and sponsored ticket (time off to attend)

fionarichmond commented 6 years ago

Suggested draft here: Organisation name Address City Country

Re: Request for Professional Development Support: Open Security Summit 2018

Dear xxxxxxxx:

I am submitting this request for professional development support, in order to enhance the application security within l. I am requesting funding for 5-day/24-hour/1 working-day * conference attendance ticket to attend the Open Security Summit, at Woburn Forest Center Parcs, from 4-8 June 2018. By attending the event, I will develop valuable skills, build key networks, and enhance the profile of our organisation globally.

This is a unique event is organised with the support of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a) worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software. During this event, I will:

Improve my expertise by meeting leading figures from OWASP, security, development, government agencies and vendor companies Bring back action plans by collaborating in working sessions tackling some of the hardest security problems we are facing in 2018

Learn new skills at sessions at hands-on practically-driven sessions, enabling me to return with the knowledge,, skills and tools I need to make impactful changes

Estimated costs to attend the event are: Conference Fee: £1,250.00 (+ fee + VAT)/£350.00 (+ fee + VAT)/£200 (+ fee + VAT)* Travel: Total:

The costs include accommodation for 5 nights/1 night, meals and all sessions/24-hours’ worth of sessions/ The costs include 1-full day of sessions*

Further information about event can be found here:

Thank you for considering this request. In doing so, you are supporting the development of my skills and improving our approaches to the key security issues we are facing.


FirstName LastName

VasBu commented 6 years ago

The mentioned prices in the proposed template letter are early bird prices which are no longer relevant. New standard prices are the following:
