1. Featured organizers and sessions
Tony Richards - Meet the ICO, GDPR Appropriate Security Controls
Tanya Janca - Using Pixi, Adding security to VSTS pipeline
Mario Platt - Creating a standard for GDPR patterns
Anne Currie - Security Ethics Checklist
Dinis Cruz - GDPR Patterns - based on Threat Models
Owasp Top 10
Juice shop
DPO how to become one
Source for featured: https://open-security-summit.org/admin/sessions-status/
2. Successful 2017 Outcomes
Juice Shop Update
OWASP Top 10-2017
Threat Model Owasp Pages
TLS for Local IoT
Security Playbooks Diagrams
The Future of Privacy
Threat Modeling by Feature and Layer
Threat Modeling Tools
Playbooks Common Format
Security Champions
Security Crowd Sourcing – Responsible Disclosure
Source for outcomes: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T04T40NHX-FAE1W4FRQ/image.png
3. General
**Early Bird discounts til My 4 and send mailchimp blast
Timely event info and send mailchimp blast
Suggested carousel updates:
1. Featured organizers and sessions Tony Richards - Meet the ICO, GDPR Appropriate Security Controls Tanya Janca - Using Pixi, Adding security to VSTS pipeline Mario Platt - Creating a standard for GDPR patterns Anne Currie - Security Ethics Checklist Dinis Cruz - GDPR Patterns - based on Threat Models ... Owasp Top 10 Juice shop DPO how to become one
2. Successful 2017 Outcomes
Juice Shop Update MSTG OWASP Top 10-2017 Threat Model Owasp Pages TLS for Local IoT Security Playbooks Diagrams The Future of Privacy Threat Modeling by Feature and Layer Threat Modeling Tools OWASP-SAMM Playbooks Common Format Security Champions Security Crowd Sourcing – Responsible Disclosure
3. General
** for this week til May 4